Use this window to define valid values for a key or descriptive flexfield segment or report parameter. You must define at least one valid value for each validated segment before you can use a flexfield. These validated segments provide users with a list of predefined valid segment values, and have a validation type of Independent, Dependent, or Table.
You should use this window to define values that belong to independent or dependent value sets. You can define new segment values, specify value descriptions for your values and to enable or disable existing values as well.
The values you define for a given flexfield segment automatically become valid values for any other flexfield segment that uses the same value set. Many Oracle Applications reports use predefined value sets that you may also use with your flexfield segments. If your flexfield segment uses a value set associated with a Standard Request Submission report parameter, creating or modifying values also affects that parameter. If you use the same value set for parameter values, the values you define here also become valid values for your report parameter. You also specify segment value qualifiers, rollup groups, and child value ranges.
You can also view and maintain segment value hierarchies for the Accounting Flexfield or for any custom application flexfields that use the value hierarchies feature.
Attention: Because the Accounting Flexfield is the only Oracle Applications key flexfield that uses the parent, rollup group, hierarchy level and segment qualifier information, you need only enter this information for values that are associated with your Accounting Flexfield.
When you make changes to your value hierarchies, you automatically submit a concurrent request to rebuild your value hierarchies. One request per value set that the change affects (the value set attached to the segment for which you are defining or maintaining values) is submitted. For example, if you make hierarchy structure changes for five different key flexfield segments, all of which use different value sets, this window submits five concurrent requests.
Suggestion: For ease of maintenance, you should carefully plan your value hierarchy structures before you define your values, so that your structures follow a logical pattern you can expand later as you need more values.
To prevent invalidation of any existing data, you cannot update segment qualifier information for existing values unless you first unfreeze any key flexfield structure that use this value set. You unfreeze your key flexfield using the Define Key Flexfield Segments form.
Attention: You cannot modify values for a value set if that value set is currently being modified by another user, either using a version of the Segment Values Window (either the character mode or GUI version) or the Account Hierarchy Editor with Oracle General Ledger. If you get a message saying that the value set is already being modified, you can try again at a later time.
If your value set is based on a flexfield validation table (validation type Table) and you have defined your value set to allow parent values, then you can use this window to define parent values for the values in your table. This window stores your parent values and rollup groups for you and does not add them to your validation table. You can define child value ranges for the parent values you define, and you can assign your parent values to rollup groups. The values in your validation table can be child values, but they cannot be parent values, and you cannot assign them to rollup groups. You cannot create new values in your validation table using this window.
Use the Value Set window to define your independent value sets, any dependent value sets that depend on them, and any table-validated value sets your flexfield needs. Use the Key Flexfield Segments window to define your key flexfield structure and segments.
To define rollup groups:
1. Enter a name and description for your rollup group.
2. Save your changes.
3. Apply your rollup group name to particular values using the Segment Values window.
Use this window to define rollup groups to which you can assign key flexfield values. You can use a rollup group to identify a group of parent values for reporting or other application purposes. You assign key flexfield segment values to rollup groups using the Segment Values window.
In Oracle Applications, only the Accounting Flexfield uses rollup groups. Rollup groups are used to create summary accounts for reporting purposes.
DESCRIPTIVE FLEX FIELDS - Descriptive flexfield segments
Descriptive flexfields have two different types of segments, global and context-sensitive, that you can decide to use in a descriptive flexfield structure.
A global segment is a segment that always appears in the descriptive flexfield pop-up window, regardless of context (any other information in your form). A context-sensitive segment is a segment that may or may not appear depending upon what other information is present in your form.
Context-sensitive segments
If you have context-sensitive segments, your descriptive flexfield needs context information (a context value) to determine which context-sensitive segments to show. A descriptive flexfield can get context information from either a field somewhere on the form, or from a special field (a context field) inside the descriptive flexfield pop-up window. If the descriptive flexfield derives the context information from a form field (either displayed or hidden from users), that field is called a reference field for the descriptive flexfield.
A context field appears to an end user to be just another segment, complete with its own prompt. However, a context field behaves differently from a normal flexfield segment (either global or context-sensitive). When a user enters a context value into the context field, the user then sees different context-sensitive segments depending on which context value the user entered. You define a context field differently as well. You use a context field instead of a reference field if there is no form field that is a suitable reference field, or if you want your user to directly control which context-sensitive segments appear.
In character-mode forms, global segments appear immediately when the descriptive flexfield window opens, and they appear in the first part of the pop-up window. A context-sensitive segment appears once the appropriate context information is chosen. The context-sensitive segments may appear immediately if the appropriate context information is derived from a form field before the user enters the descriptive flexfield.
For a descriptive flexfield with context-sensitive segments, a single "structure" consists of both the global segments plus the context-sensitive segments for a particular context field value. That is, a structure consists of all the segments that would appear in the pop-up window at one time (after the structure has been chosen).
Register your flexfield after adding the descriptive flexfield columns to your table and registering your table. You must register a descriptive flexfield before you can use it in an application. Use this window to provide information about your descriptive flexfield. Give your flexfield a name and associate it with an application and a database table. Also specify which table column you want to use as a structure column.
Register Descriptive Flexfields Block - Forms and flexfield routines use the combination of application name and flexfield name to uniquely identify your flexfield.
An application installer sees this application name when defining your descriptive flexfield in the Define Descriptive Segments window. Use this application name when you use flexfield routines to call your descriptive flexfield from your forms or programs.
When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains "Unknown" for all previously existing descriptive flexfields.
Use this name when you use flexfield routines to call your descriptive flexfield from your forms or programs.
When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains the name of the flexfield table for all previously existing descriptive flexfields.
Flexfields displays this unique title at the top of the flexfield window when your users enter your descriptive flexfield. An application installer can modify this title using the Define Descriptive Segments window.
When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains "Unknown" for all previously existing descriptive flexfields.
Table Name
Enter the name of the table that contains your descriptive flexfield columns. Your table must already exist in the database, and it should already have columns for your descriptive flexfield segments, as well as a structure column. These segment columns are usually called ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE2, ..., ATTRIBUTEn.
You must register your table with Oracle Applications before you can use it in this field.
Structure Column
Enter the name of the column, such as ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY, in your table that your flexfield uses to differentiate among descriptive flexfield structures. Your descriptive flexfield uses this column to let your users see different descriptive flexfield structures based on data supplied by the form or the user. You must have a structure column even if you only intend to use one descriptive flexfield structure.
Context Prompt
Enter a default context field prompt that asks your user which descriptive flexfield structure to display. Depending upon how your application installer defines your descriptive flexfield, your user may or may not see a context field as part of the descriptive flexfield pop-up window. Descriptive flexfield windows display this context field prompt if the installer allows the end user to override the default context field value.
If your application installer defines it, the context field appears to the user as if it were simply another flexfield segment (with the prompt you specify here). Your user enters a value in the context field, and other descriptive flexfield segments pop up based on that value. The installer can modify the context field prompt using the Define Descriptive Segments window.
Detail Buttons
Reference Fields Choose this button to open the Reference Fields window where you select possible reference fields for your descriptive flexfield.
Columns Choose this button to open the Columns window where you enable table columns for your descriptive flexfield segments.
Reference Fields Window - Use this window to specify any form fields that might serve as descriptive flexfield reference fields. Your flexfield can use values in one of these fields (context field values) to determine which flexfield structure to display.
An installer using the Define Descriptive Segments window can choose to use one of these window fields to obtain the context field value for your descriptive flexfield.
You should specify all form fields that contain information an installer might use to obtain a context field value. For example, the descriptive flexfield in an application form may be used to capture different information based on which country is specified in a field on that form, or based on a name specified in another field. In this case, both the country field and the name field should be listed as potential reference fields, and the installer can decide which reference field to use (or neither).
An installer typically defines different structures of descriptive flexfield segments for each value that the reference field would contain. Though the installer does not necessarily define a structure for all the values the reference field could contain, a field that has thousands of possible values may not be a good reference field. In general, you should only list fields that will contain a relatively short, static list of possible values, such as a field that offers a list of countries.
A good reference field usually has a defined List of Values. You should not list fields that could contain an infinite number of unique values, such as a PO Number field. Often the business uses of the particular form dictate which fields, if any, are acceptable reference fields.
Suggestion: A descriptive flexfield can use only one form field as a reference field. You may derive the context field value for a descriptive flexfield based on more than one field by concatenating values in multiple fields into one form field and using this concatenated form field as the reference field. You may specify additional fields to be available as reference fields even after you have registered your flexfield.
Attention: This zone will not be included in a future release of the Oracle Applications. An installer will be able to use any field of the form (that contains the flexfield) as a reference field.
Field Name
Enter the name of a reference field your flexfield can use to obtain context field values.
Enter the actual (hidden) Oracle Forms name of the field, rather than the boilerplate name of the field (the field prompt). Do not include the block name. The Define Descriptive Segments window displays this field name in a list an installer sees when defining descriptive flexfield segments.
This field must exist in the same block as the descriptive flexfield. In addition, if you call your descriptive flexfield from several different forms or zones, the same field must exist in all form blocks that contain this descriptive flexfield.
Since the actual Oracle Forms field names often do not match the boilerplate prompts for your fields, we recommend that you enter the visible field prompt as part of your description of your context reference field so an installer can easily tell which field to define as the reference field for your descriptive flexfield.
Columns Window
Use this window to specify the columns your descriptive flexfield can use as segment columns. When you navigate into this block, this window automatically queries up most of the columns you registered when you registered your table.
If you have recently added columns to your table, you should reregister your table to ensure you see all your columns in this zone. This window does not display the table column you specify as your structure column in the Descriptive Flexfield zone.
If your table contains columns with names ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE 2, ATTRIBUTE3, and so on, those columns are automatically Enabled. To use other columns for your flexfield segments, you must set explicitly enable them.
For example, if you have more than one descriptive flexfield, your second descriptive flexfield may be a protected descriptive flexfield with different segment column names such as TAX1, TAX2, TAX3 and TAX4. In this case, you would enable TAX1, TAX2, TAX3 and TAX4 and disable ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE 2, ATTRIBUTE3, and so on for your protected descriptive flexfield.
Indicate whether this column can be used as a segment column for your descriptive flexfield. If you enable a column as a segment column for a descriptive flexfield, you should not enable the same column for another descriptive flexfield that uses the same table.
Any columns you enable here appear when an installer defines segments using the Define Descriptive Segments window.
Some descriptive flexfields in Oracle Applications are documented explicitly with specific setup suggestions, but most descriptive flexfields in Oracle Applications, which are meant to be set up on a site-by-site basis, are not explicitly documented. In most cases, you can identify which descriptive flexfield appears on a particular form using the following procedure.
Use this window to define valid values for a key or descriptive flexfield segment or report parameter. You must define at least one valid value for each validated segment before you can use a flexfield. These validated segments provide users with a list of predefined valid segment values, and have a validation type of Independent, Dependent, or Table.
You should use this window to define values that belong to independent or dependent value sets. You can define new segment values, specify value descriptions for your values and to enable or disable existing values as well.
The values you define for a given flexfield segment automatically become valid values for any other flexfield segment that uses the same value set. Many Oracle Applications reports use predefined value sets that you may also use with your flexfield segments. If your flexfield segment uses a value set associated with a Standard Request Submission report parameter, creating or modifying values also affects that parameter. If you use the same value set for parameter values, the values you define here also become valid values for your report parameter. You also specify segment value qualifiers, rollup groups, and child value ranges.
You can also view and maintain segment value hierarchies for the Accounting Flexfield or for any custom application flexfields that use the value hierarchies feature.
Attention: Because the Accounting Flexfield is the only Oracle Applications key flexfield that uses the parent, rollup group, hierarchy level and segment qualifier information, you need only enter this information for values that are associated with your Accounting Flexfield.
When you make changes to your value hierarchies, you automatically submit a concurrent request to rebuild your value hierarchies. One request per value set that the change affects (the value set attached to the segment for which you are defining or maintaining values) is submitted. For example, if you make hierarchy structure changes for five different key flexfield segments, all of which use different value sets, this window submits five concurrent requests.
Suggestion: For ease of maintenance, you should carefully plan your value hierarchy structures before you define your values, so that your structures follow a logical pattern you can expand later as you need more values.
To prevent invalidation of any existing data, you cannot update segment qualifier information for existing values unless you first unfreeze any key flexfield structure that use this value set. You unfreeze your key flexfield using the Define Key Flexfield Segments form.
Attention: You cannot modify values for a value set if that value set is currently being modified by another user, either using a version of the Segment Values Window (either the character mode or GUI version) or the Account Hierarchy Editor with Oracle General Ledger. If you get a message saying that the value set is already being modified, you can try again at a later time.
If your value set is based on a flexfield validation table (validation type Table) and you have defined your value set to allow parent values, then you can use this window to define parent values for the values in your table. This window stores your parent values and rollup groups for you and does not add them to your validation table. You can define child value ranges for the parent values you define, and you can assign your parent values to rollup groups. The values in your validation table can be child values, but they cannot be parent values, and you cannot assign them to rollup groups. You cannot create new values in your validation table using this window.
Use the Value Set window to define your independent value sets, any dependent value sets that depend on them, and any table-validated value sets your flexfield needs. Use the Key Flexfield Segments window to define your key flexfield structure and segments.
To define rollup groups:
1. Enter a name and description for your rollup group.
2. Save your changes.
3. Apply your rollup group name to particular values using the Segment Values window.
Use this window to define rollup groups to which you can assign key flexfield values. You can use a rollup group to identify a group of parent values for reporting or other application purposes. You assign key flexfield segment values to rollup groups using the Segment Values window.
In Oracle Applications, only the Accounting Flexfield uses rollup groups. Rollup groups are used to create summary accounts for reporting purposes.
DESCRIPTIVE FLEX FIELDS - Descriptive flexfield segments
Descriptive flexfields have two different types of segments, global and context-sensitive, that you can decide to use in a descriptive flexfield structure.
A global segment is a segment that always appears in the descriptive flexfield pop-up window, regardless of context (any other information in your form). A context-sensitive segment is a segment that may or may not appear depending upon what other information is present in your form.
Context-sensitive segments
If you have context-sensitive segments, your descriptive flexfield needs context information (a context value) to determine which context-sensitive segments to show. A descriptive flexfield can get context information from either a field somewhere on the form, or from a special field (a context field) inside the descriptive flexfield pop-up window. If the descriptive flexfield derives the context information from a form field (either displayed or hidden from users), that field is called a reference field for the descriptive flexfield.
A context field appears to an end user to be just another segment, complete with its own prompt. However, a context field behaves differently from a normal flexfield segment (either global or context-sensitive). When a user enters a context value into the context field, the user then sees different context-sensitive segments depending on which context value the user entered. You define a context field differently as well. You use a context field instead of a reference field if there is no form field that is a suitable reference field, or if you want your user to directly control which context-sensitive segments appear.
In character-mode forms, global segments appear immediately when the descriptive flexfield window opens, and they appear in the first part of the pop-up window. A context-sensitive segment appears once the appropriate context information is chosen. The context-sensitive segments may appear immediately if the appropriate context information is derived from a form field before the user enters the descriptive flexfield.
For a descriptive flexfield with context-sensitive segments, a single "structure" consists of both the global segments plus the context-sensitive segments for a particular context field value. That is, a structure consists of all the segments that would appear in the pop-up window at one time (after the structure has been chosen).
Register your flexfield after adding the descriptive flexfield columns to your table and registering your table. You must register a descriptive flexfield before you can use it in an application. Use this window to provide information about your descriptive flexfield. Give your flexfield a name and associate it with an application and a database table. Also specify which table column you want to use as a structure column.
Register Descriptive Flexfields Block - Forms and flexfield routines use the combination of application name and flexfield name to uniquely identify your flexfield.
An application installer sees this application name when defining your descriptive flexfield in the Define Descriptive Segments window. Use this application name when you use flexfield routines to call your descriptive flexfield from your forms or programs.
When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains "Unknown" for all previously existing descriptive flexfields.
Use this name when you use flexfield routines to call your descriptive flexfield from your forms or programs.
When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains the name of the flexfield table for all previously existing descriptive flexfields.
Flexfields displays this unique title at the top of the flexfield window when your users enter your descriptive flexfield. An application installer can modify this title using the Define Descriptive Segments window.
When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains "Unknown" for all previously existing descriptive flexfields.
Table Name
Enter the name of the table that contains your descriptive flexfield columns. Your table must already exist in the database, and it should already have columns for your descriptive flexfield segments, as well as a structure column. These segment columns are usually called ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE2, ..., ATTRIBUTEn.
You must register your table with Oracle Applications before you can use it in this field.
Structure Column
Enter the name of the column, such as ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY, in your table that your flexfield uses to differentiate among descriptive flexfield structures. Your descriptive flexfield uses this column to let your users see different descriptive flexfield structures based on data supplied by the form or the user. You must have a structure column even if you only intend to use one descriptive flexfield structure.
Context Prompt
Enter a default context field prompt that asks your user which descriptive flexfield structure to display. Depending upon how your application installer defines your descriptive flexfield, your user may or may not see a context field as part of the descriptive flexfield pop-up window. Descriptive flexfield windows display this context field prompt if the installer allows the end user to override the default context field value.
If your application installer defines it, the context field appears to the user as if it were simply another flexfield segment (with the prompt you specify here). Your user enters a value in the context field, and other descriptive flexfield segments pop up based on that value. The installer can modify the context field prompt using the Define Descriptive Segments window.
Detail Buttons
Reference Fields Choose this button to open the Reference Fields window where you select possible reference fields for your descriptive flexfield.
Columns Choose this button to open the Columns window where you enable table columns for your descriptive flexfield segments.
Reference Fields Window - Use this window to specify any form fields that might serve as descriptive flexfield reference fields. Your flexfield can use values in one of these fields (context field values) to determine which flexfield structure to display.
An installer using the Define Descriptive Segments window can choose to use one of these window fields to obtain the context field value for your descriptive flexfield.
You should specify all form fields that contain information an installer might use to obtain a context field value. For example, the descriptive flexfield in an application form may be used to capture different information based on which country is specified in a field on that form, or based on a name specified in another field. In this case, both the country field and the name field should be listed as potential reference fields, and the installer can decide which reference field to use (or neither).
An installer typically defines different structures of descriptive flexfield segments for each value that the reference field would contain. Though the installer does not necessarily define a structure for all the values the reference field could contain, a field that has thousands of possible values may not be a good reference field. In general, you should only list fields that will contain a relatively short, static list of possible values, such as a field that offers a list of countries.
A good reference field usually has a defined List of Values. You should not list fields that could contain an infinite number of unique values, such as a PO Number field. Often the business uses of the particular form dictate which fields, if any, are acceptable reference fields.
Suggestion: A descriptive flexfield can use only one form field as a reference field. You may derive the context field value for a descriptive flexfield based on more than one field by concatenating values in multiple fields into one form field and using this concatenated form field as the reference field. You may specify additional fields to be available as reference fields even after you have registered your flexfield.
Attention: This zone will not be included in a future release of the Oracle Applications. An installer will be able to use any field of the form (that contains the flexfield) as a reference field.
Field Name
Enter the name of a reference field your flexfield can use to obtain context field values.
Enter the actual (hidden) Oracle Forms name of the field, rather than the boilerplate name of the field (the field prompt). Do not include the block name. The Define Descriptive Segments window displays this field name in a list an installer sees when defining descriptive flexfield segments.
This field must exist in the same block as the descriptive flexfield. In addition, if you call your descriptive flexfield from several different forms or zones, the same field must exist in all form blocks that contain this descriptive flexfield.
Since the actual Oracle Forms field names often do not match the boilerplate prompts for your fields, we recommend that you enter the visible field prompt as part of your description of your context reference field so an installer can easily tell which field to define as the reference field for your descriptive flexfield.
Columns Window
Use this window to specify the columns your descriptive flexfield can use as segment columns. When you navigate into this block, this window automatically queries up most of the columns you registered when you registered your table.
If you have recently added columns to your table, you should reregister your table to ensure you see all your columns in this zone. This window does not display the table column you specify as your structure column in the Descriptive Flexfield zone.
If your table contains columns with names ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE 2, ATTRIBUTE3, and so on, those columns are automatically Enabled. To use other columns for your flexfield segments, you must set explicitly enable them.
For example, if you have more than one descriptive flexfield, your second descriptive flexfield may be a protected descriptive flexfield with different segment column names such as TAX1, TAX2, TAX3 and TAX4. In this case, you would enable TAX1, TAX2, TAX3 and TAX4 and disable ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE 2, ATTRIBUTE3, and so on for your protected descriptive flexfield.
Indicate whether this column can be used as a segment column for your descriptive flexfield. If you enable a column as a segment column for a descriptive flexfield, you should not enable the same column for another descriptive flexfield that uses the same table.
Any columns you enable here appear when an installer defines segments using the Define Descriptive Segments window.
Some descriptive flexfields in Oracle Applications are documented explicitly with specific setup suggestions, but most descriptive flexfields in Oracle Applications, which are meant to be set up on a site-by-site basis, are not explicitly documented. In most cases, you can identify which descriptive flexfield appears on a particular form using the following procedure.
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