To define shorthand aliases:
1. Navigate to the Shorthand Aliases window.
2. Select the name and structure of the key flexfield for which you want to define shorthand aliases.
3. Enter an alias, which serves as a "name" for a combination or partial combination. A shorthand alias can be any combination of characters.
4. In the Template field, enter either an entire flexfield combination or the pattern of segment values that your alias represents.
Your flexfield validates each segment value you enter but does not check whether the combination is a valid combination (if you enter an entire combination).
If you want to enter a value for a segment that depends on another segment, you must first enter a value into the corresponding independent segment.
5. If you want to have the alias effective for a limited time, you can enter a start date and/or an end date for the alias. The alias is valid for the time including the From and To dates.
6. Save your changes.
To enable shorthand entry:
1. Navigate to the Shorthand Aliases window.
2. Select the name and structure of the key flexfield for which you want to enable shorthand entry.
3. Check the Enabled check box in the Shorthand region.
4. Enter a prompt for the shorthand window.
5. Enter the maximum alias size, which determines the maximum length of your shorthand aliases.
6. Save your changes.
Whenever you enable or disable shorthand entry, you must also recompile your key flexfield using the Key Flexfield Segments window. On a user-by-user basis, you can enable or disable shorthand flexfield entry for yourself (for all key flexfields that use it) by setting your user profile option Flexfield: Shorthand Entry to an appropriate value. Your System Administrator can set this profile option at other levels (such as for a responsibility).
However, in some forms, such as forms where you define new key flexfield combinations (combinations forms), you do not see the shorthand window even if shorthand entry is enabled. For example, you cannot use shorthand entry in the Oracle General Ledger Define Accounting Flexfield Combinations form.
Use the Key Flexfield Segments window to define your flexfield structure and segments and specify Yes in the Cross-Validate Multiple Segments field for your flexfield structure.
Define your values. - To define cross-validation rules:
1. Select the name and structure of your key flexfield for which you wish to define cross-validation rules. Your list only contains structures with the field Cross-Validate Multiple Segments set to Yes on the Key Flexfield Segments window.
2. Enter a unique name and a description for your cross-validation rule.
3. Enter your error message text for this cross-validation rule.
Your flexfield automatically displays this error message on the message line whenever a new combination of segment values violates your cross-validation rule. You should make your error messages as specific as possible so that your users can correct any errors easily.
4. Enter the name of the segment most likely to have caused this cross-validation rule to fail. Your flexfield leaves the cursor in this segment whenever a new segment combination violates this cross-validation rule to indicate where your user can probably correct the error. If you do not specify an error segment name, your flexfield leaves the cursor in the first segment of the flexfield window following a violation of this rule.
5. If you want to have the rule effective for a limited time, you can enter a start date and/or an end date for the rule. The rule is valid for the time including the From and To dates.
6. Define the cross-validation rule elements that make up your rule.
Your flexfield checks cross-validation rules while attempting to create a new combination of flexfield values (for example, a new Accounting Flexfield combination). Your cross-validation rules have no effect on flexfield combinations that already exist. If you want to disable an existing combination, you must disable that combination specifically using the appropriate window. For example, you can disable an existing Accounting Flexfield combination using the Define Accounting Flexfield Combinations window.
Suggestion: We recommend that you define many rules that each have few rule elements rather than a few rules that each have many rule elements. The more rules you provide, the more specific you can make your error message text.
Your flexfield checks cross-validation rules only if you set Cross-Validate Multiple Segments to Yes using the Define Key Flexfield Segments window.
If you make changes to your cross-validation rules, you need to either change responsibilities or exit from your application and sign on again in order for the changes to take effect.
To define shorthand aliases:
1. Navigate to the Shorthand Aliases window.
2. Select the name and structure of the key flexfield for which you want to define shorthand aliases.
3. Enter an alias, which serves as a "name" for a combination or partial combination. A shorthand alias can be any combination of characters.
4. In the Template field, enter either an entire flexfield combination or the pattern of segment values that your alias represents.
Your flexfield validates each segment value you enter but does not check whether the combination is a valid combination (if you enter an entire combination).
If you want to enter a value for a segment that depends on another segment, you must first enter a value into the corresponding independent segment.
5. If you want to have the alias effective for a limited time, you can enter a start date and/or an end date for the alias. The alias is valid for the time including the From and To dates.
6. Save your changes.
To enable shorthand entry:
1. Navigate to the Shorthand Aliases window.
2. Select the name and structure of the key flexfield for which you want to enable shorthand entry.
3. Check the Enabled check box in the Shorthand region.
4. Enter a prompt for the shorthand window.
5. Enter the maximum alias size, which determines the maximum length of your shorthand aliases.
6. Save your changes.
Whenever you enable or disable shorthand entry, you must also recompile your key flexfield using the Key Flexfield Segments window. On a user-by-user basis, you can enable or disable shorthand flexfield entry for yourself (for all key flexfields that use it) by setting your user profile option Flexfield: Shorthand Entry to an appropriate value. Your System Administrator can set this profile option at other levels (such as for a responsibility).
However, in some forms, such as forms where you define new key flexfield combinations (combinations forms), you do not see the shorthand window even if shorthand entry is enabled. For example, you cannot use shorthand entry in the Oracle General Ledger Define Accounting Flexfield Combinations form.
Use the Key Flexfield Segments window to define your flexfield structure and segments and specify Yes in the Cross-Validate Multiple Segments field for your flexfield structure.
Define your values. - To define cross-validation rules:
1. Select the name and structure of your key flexfield for which you wish to define cross-validation rules. Your list only contains structures with the field Cross-Validate Multiple Segments set to Yes on the Key Flexfield Segments window.
2. Enter a unique name and a description for your cross-validation rule.
3. Enter your error message text for this cross-validation rule.
Your flexfield automatically displays this error message on the message line whenever a new combination of segment values violates your cross-validation rule. You should make your error messages as specific as possible so that your users can correct any errors easily.
4. Enter the name of the segment most likely to have caused this cross-validation rule to fail. Your flexfield leaves the cursor in this segment whenever a new segment combination violates this cross-validation rule to indicate where your user can probably correct the error. If you do not specify an error segment name, your flexfield leaves the cursor in the first segment of the flexfield window following a violation of this rule.
5. If you want to have the rule effective for a limited time, you can enter a start date and/or an end date for the rule. The rule is valid for the time including the From and To dates.
6. Define the cross-validation rule elements that make up your rule.
Your flexfield checks cross-validation rules while attempting to create a new combination of flexfield values (for example, a new Accounting Flexfield combination). Your cross-validation rules have no effect on flexfield combinations that already exist. If you want to disable an existing combination, you must disable that combination specifically using the appropriate window. For example, you can disable an existing Accounting Flexfield combination using the Define Accounting Flexfield Combinations window.
Suggestion: We recommend that you define many rules that each have few rule elements rather than a few rules that each have many rule elements. The more rules you provide, the more specific you can make your error message text.
Your flexfield checks cross-validation rules only if you set Cross-Validate Multiple Segments to Yes using the Define Key Flexfield Segments window.
If you make changes to your cross-validation rules, you need to either change responsibilities or exit from your application and sign on again in order for the changes to take effect.
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