- Most organizations use "codes" made up of meaningful segments (intelligent keys) to identify general ledger accounts, part numbers, and other business entities. Each segment of the code can represent a characteristic of the entity. For example, your organization might use the part number PAD-NR-YEL-8 1/2x14" to represent a notepad that is narrow-ruled, yellow, and 8 1/2" by 14". Another organization may identify the same notepad with the part number "PD-8x14-Y-NR". Both of these part numbers are codes whose segments describe a characteristic of the part. Although these codes represent the same part, they each have a different segment structure that is meaningful only to the organization using those codes.
The Oracle Applications store these "codes" in key flexfields. Key flexfields are flexible enough to let any organization use the code scheme they want, without programming.
When your organization initially installs Oracle Applications, you and your organization's implementation team customize the key flexfields to incorporate code segments that are meaningful to your business. You decide what each segment means, what values each segment can have, and what the segment values mean. Your organization can define rules to specify which segment values can be combined to make a valid complete code (also called a combination). You can also define relationships among the segments. The result is that you and your organization can use the codes you want rather than changing your codes to meet Oracle Applications' requirements.
Registration - Register a key flexfield after defining the flexfield combinations table in the database, and after registering your table with the Tables form.
Attention: Do not modify the registration of any key flexfield supplied with Oracle Applications. Doing so can cause serious application errors. To enable an Oracle Applications key flexfield, define and freeze it using the Key Flexfield Segments window.
Attention: Do not attempt to make a copy of an Oracle Applications key flexfield (using the same table, same title, or same flexfield code), since the duplicates may cause errors in forms that call these flexfields.
If you are using segment qualifiers with your flexfield, you should define the QuickCode values for your segment types using the Lookups window. You name your flexfield and associate it with an application and a database table. You also specify which table column you want to use as a unique ID column and which table column you want to use as a structure column.
An application installer sees this application name when defining your flexfield segments in the Define Key Segments window. Forms and flexfield routines use the combination of application and flexfield name to uniquely identify your flexfield. You use this application name when you use flexfield routines to call your key flexfield from your forms or programs. When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains "Unknown" for all previously existing key flexfields.
Code - You use this short, unique code to invoke a key flexfield from a form trigger.
Title - n installer may modify the user-friendly title of your flexfield using the Define Key Segments form. You see this title whenever you choose this flexfield in a flexfield window.
Table Application - Enter the name of the application with which your flexfield table is registered.
When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains "Unknown" for all previously existing key flexfields.
Table Name - Your combinations table must already exist in the database, and it must have columns with names of the form SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2, ..., SEGMENTn. You must register your combinations table with Oracle Applications before you can use it in this field.
Unique ID Column - Enter the name of the column in your combinations table that contains the unique ID for this flexfield. Other tables which reference this flexfield should use this column as a foreign key.
Structure Column - Enter the name of the column in your combinations table that your flexfield can use to differentiate among flexfield structures. If you enter a column in this field you must also use the NUM= parameter in all of the flexfield calls in your forms.
Suggestion: We recommend that you always include a structure ID column in your database table and in your flexfield definition so that your end user can define multiple structures. You must also use the NUM= parameter in all of the flexfield calls in your forms.
Dynamic Inserts Feasible - Indicate whether dynamic inserts are feasible for this key flexfield. Dynamic inserts are feasible only if your combinations table contains no mandatory, non-flexfield columns. Dynamic inserts cannot be feasible if your application requires special validation of new segment combinations.
Allow ID Value Sets - Indicate whether to allow values sets that use a hidden ID in your flexfield.
Concatenated Segment Length - Maximum
Enter the maximum length for this flexfield.
This feature will be available in a future version of Oracle Application Object Library.
Warning - Enter a warning message for your flexfield. This feature will be available in a future version of Oracle Application Object Library.
Detail Buttons
Qualifiers - Choose this button to open the Qualifies window where you define flexfield and segment qualifiers.
Columns - Choose this button to open the Columns window where you enable the columns to use with your flexfield segments
Qualifiers Window - Define flexfield and segment qualifiers. A flexfield qualifier applies to specific segments your user define, and a segment qualifies applies to specific values in your flexfield segments. You must define a flexfield qualifier before you can define segment qualifiers.
Qualifier Name - Use this unique name to reference key flexfield structure information.
Prompt - When you set up your key segments this prompt asks you for the qualifiers information for your key flexfield. Since flexfield qualifiers use check boxes in the Define Key Segments form, you should specify your prompt so it makes sense as the prompt of a Yes/No field.
Global - Global flexfield qualifiers apply to all segments, and provide a convenient mechanism for assigning a group of segment qualifiers to all segments.
Required - Required flexfield qualifiers must apply to at least one but possibly more segments.
Unique - Unique flexfield qualifiers apply to one segment only.
Segment Qualifiers - A segment qualifier applies to specific values your end user defines using the Define Key Segment Values window. Segment qualifiers expect QuickCodes values.
Name - Use this unique name to reference key segment value information in flexfield routine calls and your application logic.
Prompt - The Define Key Segment Values window displays this prompt to ask you for information about each segment value when you define key segment values. Since segment qualifiers receive QuickCode values in the Define Key Segment Values window, you should specify your prompt so it makes sense to your end user.
Derived Column - Enter the name of a database column in your combinations table that holds the derived value of this segment qualifier. Flexfields automatically derives a value for your segment qualifier into this column whenever your end user enters a new valid combination.
QuickCode Type - Enter a Special QuickCode type for this segment qualifier. A Special QuickCode type defines the group of values you wish to allow for this segment qualifier. For example, if you have a segment qualifier called "Account Type" you might want a Special QuickCode type called "ACCOUNT_TYPE" that has several codes and meanings. You define Special QuickCode values using the Define Special QuickCodes form.
Define Special Quick Codes
Default Value - A default value must be one of the defined Special QuickCode values for the Special QuickCode type you choose in the QuickCode Type field.
Columns Window - Specify the columns your key flexfield can use as segment columns. This window automatically queries up most of the columns you registered when you registered your table. If you have recently added columns to your table, you should reregister your table to ensure you see all your columns. The table columns you specify as your unique ID column or your structure column in the Key Flexfield zone do not appear.
If your table contains columns with names of the form SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2, SEGMENT3, and so on, those columns are automatically Enabled for your flexfield. You must enable any other column you want to use for your segment columns by changing the value of the Enabled check box.
For example, if you have more than one key flexfield, your second key flexfield may have different segment column names such as TAX1, TAX2, TAX3 and TAX4. In this case, you would enable TAX1, TAX2, TAX3 and TAX4 and disable SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2, SEGMENT3, and so on for your second key flexfield.
Warning: If you are redefining the Accounting Flexfield for Oracle General Ledger (this key flexfield is used by most of the Oracle Applications products), you must not use any columns other than those named SEGMENT1 through SEGMENT30. Since the names of these columns are embedded in the Oracle Applications products, using other columns may adversely affect your application features such as summarization.
Enabled - Indicate whether this column can be used as a segment column for your key flexfield. If you enable a column as a segment column for a key flexfield, you should not enable the same column for another key flexfield that uses the same table.
Use the Value Sets window to define any value sets you need.
1. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window.
2. Select the application name and title of the key flexfield you want to define. You cannot create a new flexfield or change the name of an existing flexfield using this window.
3. For those application flexfields that support more than one structure (such as the multiple charts of accounts in the Accounting Flexfield), you can create a new structure for your flexfield by inserting a row. If you are defining the first structure for your flexfield, select the default flexfield structure that appears automatically. If you are modifying an existing structure, use your cursor keys to select the title of the flexfield structure you want.
You can change the title of an existing flexfield structure by typing in a new title over the old title. You see this name when you choose a flexfield structure and as the window title in your key flexfield (unless the flexfield is used for a specific purpose such as "Consolidation Account", in which case the structure title does not appear in the flexfield window).
4. If you want to generate a database view for this structure, enter a view name. Your view name should begin with a letter and must not contain any characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores ( _ ). Your view name must not contain any spaces. See: Overview of Flexfield Views.
5. Check the Enabled check box so that this structure may be used in your key flexfield. You cannot delete structures from this window because they are referenced elsewhere in the system, but you can disable them at any time. A structure must be enabled before it can be used.
You should enable at least one structure for each key flexfield. If you disable a structure that already contains data, you cannot use that structure to create new combinations or query up your old information.
6. Select the character you want to use to separate your flexfield segment values or descriptions whenever your application forms display concatenated segment values or descriptions.
You should choose your separator character carefully so that it does not conflict with your flexfield data. For example, if your data frequently contains periods ( . ) in monetary or numeric values, you should not use a period as your segment separator. If you enter a segment value that contains the segment separator character, you see the character in your value as a caret (^) so you can differentiate it from the segment separator in your concatenated value fields. This change is for concatenated display purposes only and does not affect your value. To avoid confusion, you should never use a caret (^) as your segment separator.
Warning: Some Oracle Applications tables store the segment separator as part of your flexfield values. Changing your separator once you have data in such tables may invalidate that data and cause application errors.
7. Select the Cross-Validate Segments check box if you want to cross-validate multiple segments using cross-validation rules. You can define cross-validation rules to describe valid combinations using the Cross-Validation Rules form. Uncheck the box if you want to disable any existing cross-validation rules. See: Cross-Validation Rules.
8. Indicate whether you want to freeze your rollup group definitions. If you do, you prevent users from modifying rollup groups using the Segment Values form. You can freeze rollup groups before or after you define your flexfield structure. See: Segment Values.
9. If you want to allow dynamic inserts, check the Allow Dynamic Inserts check box. You would allow dynamic inserts of new valid combinations into your generic combinations table if you want users to create new combinations from windows that do not use your combinations table. You should prevent dynamic inserts if you want to enter new valid combinations only from a single application window you create to maintain your specific combinations table.
You can update this field only if your application flexfield has been built to allow dynamic inserts. Otherwise this field is display only.
10. Choose the Segments button to open the Segments Summary window, and define your flexfield segments. See: Defining Segments.
11. Freeze your flexfield structure by checking the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box.
Do not freeze your flexfield if you want to set up or modify your flexfield segments or change the appearance of your key flexfield window. You cannot make most changes while your flexfield is frozen.
12. Compile your frozen flexfield by choosing the Compile button. Your changes are saved automatically when you compile.
You must freeze and compile your flexfield definition before you can use your flexfield. If you have more than one flexfield structure, you must freeze, save, and compile each structure separately. If you decide to make changes to your flexfield definition, make sure that you freeze and save your flexfield definition again after making your changes.
Warning: Do not modify a frozen flexfield definition if existing data could be invalidated. An alteration of the flexfield structure once you have any flexfield data can create serious data inconsistencies. Changing your existing structures may also adversely affect the behavior of any cross-validation rules or shorthand aliases you have for your structures, so you should be sure to manually disable or redefine any cross-validation rules and shorthand aliases to reflect your changed structures.
Defining segments - Use the Segments window to define segments for your flexfield. The window title includes the current flexfield's name. If your flexfield definition is frozen (that is, the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box is checked), this window prevents you from invalidating your existing flexfield data by not allowing you to enter the Enabled field or the Value Set field.
You can define as many segments as there are defined segment columns in your flexfield table. You can create a new segment for your flexfield by inserting a row.
Prerequisites - Use the Key Flexfield Segments window or the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define your flexfield structure.
To define segments:
1. Enter a name for the segment that you want to define.
Your segment name should begin with a letter and use only letters, numbers, spaces or underscores ( _ ). The segment prompts get their default values from this field. The flexfield view generator will use your segment name as a column name and change all spaces and special characters to underscores ( _ ). See: Segment Naming Conventions.
2. Indicate that you can use this flexfield segment by checking the Enabled check box.
Your flexfield does not display disabled segments. You can define as many segments as there are defined segment columns in your key flexfield combinations table.
Suggestion: To protect the integrity of your data, you should not disable a segment if you have already used it to enter data.
3. Select the name of the column you want to use for your flexfield segment.
Suggestion: If you are defining more than one segment in the same structure at one time, ensure that you use unique columns for each segment. If you attempt to use a single column for more than one segment in the same structure, you cannot save your changes or compile your structure. Columns you choose for your segments do not disappear from your list of values until you save your work.
4. Enter the segment number for this segment.
This number indicates the relative position in which this segment appears in a flexfield window. A segment with a lower segment number appears before a segment with a higher segment number. Dependent segments should occur after the segment they depend upon in the flexfield window.
You receive a warning message if you enter a segment number that is already defined for your flexfield. This warning is only a reminder that the segment number is in use. If you attempt to freeze a flexfield in which two segments share the same segment number, the flexfield does not compile.
Suggestion: For most flexfields, if you give your segments widely spaced numbers (such as 10, 20, 30...) to indicate their relative positions, you can add segments to your structure more easily. Adding segments still disables all your existing cross-validation rules and shorthand aliases for this flexfield structure, however. Note that the Accounting Flexfield requires consecutive segment numbers beginning with 1 (such as 1, 2, 3, ...).
Warning: Changing the order of your segments invalidates all existing cross-validation rules and shorthand aliases for this flexfield structure.
5. Indicate whether you want this segment to appear in the flexfield window. If your segment is not displayed, you should provide a default type and value so that the user does not need to enter a value for this segment. If you do not display a segment but also do not provide a default value for it, your users may see error messages when using this flexfield.
Warning: If you are defining the Accounting Flexfield, you must display all segments. Hiding segments will adversely affect your application features such as Mass Allocations.
6. If you are defining the Accounting Flexfield, decide whether you should check the Indexed check box. If you are defining any other Oracle Applications (key) flexfield, you can skip the Indexed check box.
The Oracle General Ledger applications use the Indexed field for the Optimization feature. What you enter here does not affect Oracle Applications key flexfields other than the Accounting Flexfield, but the value may or may not affect key flexfields in custom applications (depending on whether those applications have logic that uses the value of this field).
Indicate whether you want the database column in the combinations table used to store this key segment to have a single-column index. You should create indexes on segments you expect to have many distinct values (instead of just a few distinct values). The Oracle General Ledger products' Optimizer does not drop existing indexes.
If you set up a new structure of the same flexfield, this value defaults to the value in the first structure you set up.
7. Enter the name of the value set you want your flexfield to use to validate this segment
8. Indicate whether you want to require a value for this segment. If you do, users must enter a value before leaving the flexfield window. If not, the segment is optional.
Attention: All segments in your Accounting Flexfield must be required.
If this segment is required but depends on an optional segment, then this segment will become optional if a user leaves the depended-upon segment blank.
9. Indicate whether to allow security rules to be used for this segment. Otherwise any defined security rules are disabled.
If the value set for this segment does not allow security rules, then this field is display only.
10. If you want your flexfield to validate your segment value against the value of another segment in this structure, then choose either Low or High in the Range field. Segments with a range type of Low must appear before segments with a range type of High (the low segment must have a lower number than the high segment). For example, if you plan two segments named "Start Date" and "End Date," you may want to require users to enter an end date later than the start date. You could have "Start Date" be Low and "End Date" be High. In this example, the segment you name "Start Date" must appear before the segment you name "End Date," or you cannot compile your flexfield.
If you choose Low for one segment, you must also choose High for another segment in that structure (and vice versa). Otherwise you cannot compile your flexfield.
If your value set is of the type Pair, this field is display only, and the value defaults to Pair.
11. Enter the display size and prompt information for the segment
- Most organizations use "codes" made up of meaningful segments (intelligent keys) to identify general ledger accounts, part numbers, and other business entities. Each segment of the code can represent a characteristic of the entity. For example, your organization might use the part number PAD-NR-YEL-8 1/2x14" to represent a notepad that is narrow-ruled, yellow, and 8 1/2" by 14". Another organization may identify the same notepad with the part number "PD-8x14-Y-NR". Both of these part numbers are codes whose segments describe a characteristic of the part. Although these codes represent the same part, they each have a different segment structure that is meaningful only to the organization using those codes.
The Oracle Applications store these "codes" in key flexfields. Key flexfields are flexible enough to let any organization use the code scheme they want, without programming.
When your organization initially installs Oracle Applications, you and your organization's implementation team customize the key flexfields to incorporate code segments that are meaningful to your business. You decide what each segment means, what values each segment can have, and what the segment values mean. Your organization can define rules to specify which segment values can be combined to make a valid complete code (also called a combination). You can also define relationships among the segments. The result is that you and your organization can use the codes you want rather than changing your codes to meet Oracle Applications' requirements.
Registration - Register a key flexfield after defining the flexfield combinations table in the database, and after registering your table with the Tables form.
Attention: Do not modify the registration of any key flexfield supplied with Oracle Applications. Doing so can cause serious application errors. To enable an Oracle Applications key flexfield, define and freeze it using the Key Flexfield Segments window.
Attention: Do not attempt to make a copy of an Oracle Applications key flexfield (using the same table, same title, or same flexfield code), since the duplicates may cause errors in forms that call these flexfields.
If you are using segment qualifiers with your flexfield, you should define the QuickCode values for your segment types using the Lookups window. You name your flexfield and associate it with an application and a database table. You also specify which table column you want to use as a unique ID column and which table column you want to use as a structure column.
An application installer sees this application name when defining your flexfield segments in the Define Key Segments window. Forms and flexfield routines use the combination of application and flexfield name to uniquely identify your flexfield. You use this application name when you use flexfield routines to call your key flexfield from your forms or programs. When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains "Unknown" for all previously existing key flexfields.
Code - You use this short, unique code to invoke a key flexfield from a form trigger.
Title - n installer may modify the user-friendly title of your flexfield using the Define Key Segments form. You see this title whenever you choose this flexfield in a flexfield window.
Table Application - Enter the name of the application with which your flexfield table is registered.
When you upgrade to Release 10, this field initially contains "Unknown" for all previously existing key flexfields.
Table Name - Your combinations table must already exist in the database, and it must have columns with names of the form SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2, ..., SEGMENTn. You must register your combinations table with Oracle Applications before you can use it in this field.
Unique ID Column - Enter the name of the column in your combinations table that contains the unique ID for this flexfield. Other tables which reference this flexfield should use this column as a foreign key.
Structure Column - Enter the name of the column in your combinations table that your flexfield can use to differentiate among flexfield structures. If you enter a column in this field you must also use the NUM= parameter in all of the flexfield calls in your forms.
Suggestion: We recommend that you always include a structure ID column in your database table and in your flexfield definition so that your end user can define multiple structures. You must also use the NUM= parameter in all of the flexfield calls in your forms.
Dynamic Inserts Feasible - Indicate whether dynamic inserts are feasible for this key flexfield. Dynamic inserts are feasible only if your combinations table contains no mandatory, non-flexfield columns. Dynamic inserts cannot be feasible if your application requires special validation of new segment combinations.
Allow ID Value Sets - Indicate whether to allow values sets that use a hidden ID in your flexfield.
Concatenated Segment Length - Maximum
Enter the maximum length for this flexfield.
This feature will be available in a future version of Oracle Application Object Library.
Warning - Enter a warning message for your flexfield. This feature will be available in a future version of Oracle Application Object Library.
Detail Buttons
Qualifiers - Choose this button to open the Qualifies window where you define flexfield and segment qualifiers.
Columns - Choose this button to open the Columns window where you enable the columns to use with your flexfield segments
Qualifiers Window - Define flexfield and segment qualifiers. A flexfield qualifier applies to specific segments your user define, and a segment qualifies applies to specific values in your flexfield segments. You must define a flexfield qualifier before you can define segment qualifiers.
Qualifier Name - Use this unique name to reference key flexfield structure information.
Prompt - When you set up your key segments this prompt asks you for the qualifiers information for your key flexfield. Since flexfield qualifiers use check boxes in the Define Key Segments form, you should specify your prompt so it makes sense as the prompt of a Yes/No field.
Global - Global flexfield qualifiers apply to all segments, and provide a convenient mechanism for assigning a group of segment qualifiers to all segments.
Required - Required flexfield qualifiers must apply to at least one but possibly more segments.
Unique - Unique flexfield qualifiers apply to one segment only.
Segment Qualifiers - A segment qualifier applies to specific values your end user defines using the Define Key Segment Values window. Segment qualifiers expect QuickCodes values.
Name - Use this unique name to reference key segment value information in flexfield routine calls and your application logic.
Prompt - The Define Key Segment Values window displays this prompt to ask you for information about each segment value when you define key segment values. Since segment qualifiers receive QuickCode values in the Define Key Segment Values window, you should specify your prompt so it makes sense to your end user.
Derived Column - Enter the name of a database column in your combinations table that holds the derived value of this segment qualifier. Flexfields automatically derives a value for your segment qualifier into this column whenever your end user enters a new valid combination.
QuickCode Type - Enter a Special QuickCode type for this segment qualifier. A Special QuickCode type defines the group of values you wish to allow for this segment qualifier. For example, if you have a segment qualifier called "Account Type" you might want a Special QuickCode type called "ACCOUNT_TYPE" that has several codes and meanings. You define Special QuickCode values using the Define Special QuickCodes form.
Define Special Quick Codes
Default Value - A default value must be one of the defined Special QuickCode values for the Special QuickCode type you choose in the QuickCode Type field.
Columns Window - Specify the columns your key flexfield can use as segment columns. This window automatically queries up most of the columns you registered when you registered your table. If you have recently added columns to your table, you should reregister your table to ensure you see all your columns. The table columns you specify as your unique ID column or your structure column in the Key Flexfield zone do not appear.
If your table contains columns with names of the form SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2, SEGMENT3, and so on, those columns are automatically Enabled for your flexfield. You must enable any other column you want to use for your segment columns by changing the value of the Enabled check box.
For example, if you have more than one key flexfield, your second key flexfield may have different segment column names such as TAX1, TAX2, TAX3 and TAX4. In this case, you would enable TAX1, TAX2, TAX3 and TAX4 and disable SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2, SEGMENT3, and so on for your second key flexfield.
Warning: If you are redefining the Accounting Flexfield for Oracle General Ledger (this key flexfield is used by most of the Oracle Applications products), you must not use any columns other than those named SEGMENT1 through SEGMENT30. Since the names of these columns are embedded in the Oracle Applications products, using other columns may adversely affect your application features such as summarization.
Enabled - Indicate whether this column can be used as a segment column for your key flexfield. If you enable a column as a segment column for a key flexfield, you should not enable the same column for another key flexfield that uses the same table.
Use the Value Sets window to define any value sets you need.
1. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window.
2. Select the application name and title of the key flexfield you want to define. You cannot create a new flexfield or change the name of an existing flexfield using this window.
3. For those application flexfields that support more than one structure (such as the multiple charts of accounts in the Accounting Flexfield), you can create a new structure for your flexfield by inserting a row. If you are defining the first structure for your flexfield, select the default flexfield structure that appears automatically. If you are modifying an existing structure, use your cursor keys to select the title of the flexfield structure you want.
You can change the title of an existing flexfield structure by typing in a new title over the old title. You see this name when you choose a flexfield structure and as the window title in your key flexfield (unless the flexfield is used for a specific purpose such as "Consolidation Account", in which case the structure title does not appear in the flexfield window).
4. If you want to generate a database view for this structure, enter a view name. Your view name should begin with a letter and must not contain any characters other than letters, numbers, or underscores ( _ ). Your view name must not contain any spaces. See: Overview of Flexfield Views.
5. Check the Enabled check box so that this structure may be used in your key flexfield. You cannot delete structures from this window because they are referenced elsewhere in the system, but you can disable them at any time. A structure must be enabled before it can be used.
You should enable at least one structure for each key flexfield. If you disable a structure that already contains data, you cannot use that structure to create new combinations or query up your old information.
6. Select the character you want to use to separate your flexfield segment values or descriptions whenever your application forms display concatenated segment values or descriptions.
You should choose your separator character carefully so that it does not conflict with your flexfield data. For example, if your data frequently contains periods ( . ) in monetary or numeric values, you should not use a period as your segment separator. If you enter a segment value that contains the segment separator character, you see the character in your value as a caret (^) so you can differentiate it from the segment separator in your concatenated value fields. This change is for concatenated display purposes only and does not affect your value. To avoid confusion, you should never use a caret (^) as your segment separator.
Warning: Some Oracle Applications tables store the segment separator as part of your flexfield values. Changing your separator once you have data in such tables may invalidate that data and cause application errors.
7. Select the Cross-Validate Segments check box if you want to cross-validate multiple segments using cross-validation rules. You can define cross-validation rules to describe valid combinations using the Cross-Validation Rules form. Uncheck the box if you want to disable any existing cross-validation rules. See: Cross-Validation Rules.
8. Indicate whether you want to freeze your rollup group definitions. If you do, you prevent users from modifying rollup groups using the Segment Values form. You can freeze rollup groups before or after you define your flexfield structure. See: Segment Values.
9. If you want to allow dynamic inserts, check the Allow Dynamic Inserts check box. You would allow dynamic inserts of new valid combinations into your generic combinations table if you want users to create new combinations from windows that do not use your combinations table. You should prevent dynamic inserts if you want to enter new valid combinations only from a single application window you create to maintain your specific combinations table.
You can update this field only if your application flexfield has been built to allow dynamic inserts. Otherwise this field is display only.
10. Choose the Segments button to open the Segments Summary window, and define your flexfield segments. See: Defining Segments.
11. Freeze your flexfield structure by checking the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box.
Do not freeze your flexfield if you want to set up or modify your flexfield segments or change the appearance of your key flexfield window. You cannot make most changes while your flexfield is frozen.
12. Compile your frozen flexfield by choosing the Compile button. Your changes are saved automatically when you compile.
You must freeze and compile your flexfield definition before you can use your flexfield. If you have more than one flexfield structure, you must freeze, save, and compile each structure separately. If you decide to make changes to your flexfield definition, make sure that you freeze and save your flexfield definition again after making your changes.
Warning: Do not modify a frozen flexfield definition if existing data could be invalidated. An alteration of the flexfield structure once you have any flexfield data can create serious data inconsistencies. Changing your existing structures may also adversely affect the behavior of any cross-validation rules or shorthand aliases you have for your structures, so you should be sure to manually disable or redefine any cross-validation rules and shorthand aliases to reflect your changed structures.
Defining segments - Use the Segments window to define segments for your flexfield. The window title includes the current flexfield's name. If your flexfield definition is frozen (that is, the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box is checked), this window prevents you from invalidating your existing flexfield data by not allowing you to enter the Enabled field or the Value Set field.
You can define as many segments as there are defined segment columns in your flexfield table. You can create a new segment for your flexfield by inserting a row.
Prerequisites - Use the Key Flexfield Segments window or the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define your flexfield structure.
To define segments:
1. Enter a name for the segment that you want to define.
Your segment name should begin with a letter and use only letters, numbers, spaces or underscores ( _ ). The segment prompts get their default values from this field. The flexfield view generator will use your segment name as a column name and change all spaces and special characters to underscores ( _ ). See: Segment Naming Conventions.
2. Indicate that you can use this flexfield segment by checking the Enabled check box.
Your flexfield does not display disabled segments. You can define as many segments as there are defined segment columns in your key flexfield combinations table.
Suggestion: To protect the integrity of your data, you should not disable a segment if you have already used it to enter data.
3. Select the name of the column you want to use for your flexfield segment.
Suggestion: If you are defining more than one segment in the same structure at one time, ensure that you use unique columns for each segment. If you attempt to use a single column for more than one segment in the same structure, you cannot save your changes or compile your structure. Columns you choose for your segments do not disappear from your list of values until you save your work.
4. Enter the segment number for this segment.
This number indicates the relative position in which this segment appears in a flexfield window. A segment with a lower segment number appears before a segment with a higher segment number. Dependent segments should occur after the segment they depend upon in the flexfield window.
You receive a warning message if you enter a segment number that is already defined for your flexfield. This warning is only a reminder that the segment number is in use. If you attempt to freeze a flexfield in which two segments share the same segment number, the flexfield does not compile.
Suggestion: For most flexfields, if you give your segments widely spaced numbers (such as 10, 20, 30...) to indicate their relative positions, you can add segments to your structure more easily. Adding segments still disables all your existing cross-validation rules and shorthand aliases for this flexfield structure, however. Note that the Accounting Flexfield requires consecutive segment numbers beginning with 1 (such as 1, 2, 3, ...).
Warning: Changing the order of your segments invalidates all existing cross-validation rules and shorthand aliases for this flexfield structure.
5. Indicate whether you want this segment to appear in the flexfield window. If your segment is not displayed, you should provide a default type and value so that the user does not need to enter a value for this segment. If you do not display a segment but also do not provide a default value for it, your users may see error messages when using this flexfield.
Warning: If you are defining the Accounting Flexfield, you must display all segments. Hiding segments will adversely affect your application features such as Mass Allocations.
6. If you are defining the Accounting Flexfield, decide whether you should check the Indexed check box. If you are defining any other Oracle Applications (key) flexfield, you can skip the Indexed check box.
The Oracle General Ledger applications use the Indexed field for the Optimization feature. What you enter here does not affect Oracle Applications key flexfields other than the Accounting Flexfield, but the value may or may not affect key flexfields in custom applications (depending on whether those applications have logic that uses the value of this field).
Indicate whether you want the database column in the combinations table used to store this key segment to have a single-column index. You should create indexes on segments you expect to have many distinct values (instead of just a few distinct values). The Oracle General Ledger products' Optimizer does not drop existing indexes.
If you set up a new structure of the same flexfield, this value defaults to the value in the first structure you set up.
7. Enter the name of the value set you want your flexfield to use to validate this segment
8. Indicate whether you want to require a value for this segment. If you do, users must enter a value before leaving the flexfield window. If not, the segment is optional.
Attention: All segments in your Accounting Flexfield must be required.
If this segment is required but depends on an optional segment, then this segment will become optional if a user leaves the depended-upon segment blank.
9. Indicate whether to allow security rules to be used for this segment. Otherwise any defined security rules are disabled.
If the value set for this segment does not allow security rules, then this field is display only.
10. If you want your flexfield to validate your segment value against the value of another segment in this structure, then choose either Low or High in the Range field. Segments with a range type of Low must appear before segments with a range type of High (the low segment must have a lower number than the high segment). For example, if you plan two segments named "Start Date" and "End Date," you may want to require users to enter an end date later than the start date. You could have "Start Date" be Low and "End Date" be High. In this example, the segment you name "Start Date" must appear before the segment you name "End Date," or you cannot compile your flexfield.
If you choose Low for one segment, you must also choose High for another segment in that structure (and vice versa). Otherwise you cannot compile your flexfield.
If your value set is of the type Pair, this field is display only, and the value defaults to Pair.
11. Enter the display size and prompt information for the segment
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