User Profile Options
Changeable options that affect the way your applications run.
User Profile Levels
User profile options exist at four different levels: Site, Application, Responsibility, and User levels. Oracle Applications treats user profile levels as a hierarchy, where User is the highest level of the hierarchy, followed by Responsibility, Application, and at the lowest level, Site. Higher-level option values override lower-level option values.
Site Level
Site is the lowest profile level. Site-level option values affect the way all applications run at a given installation site.
Application Level
Application is the profile level immediately above Site. Application-level option values affect the way a given application runs.
Responsibility Level
Responsibility is the profile level immediately above Application. Responsibility-level option values affect the way applications run for all users of a given responsibility.
User Level
User is the highest profile level and is immediately above Responsibility. User-level option values affect the way applications run for a given application user.
Use the Concurrent Requests windows to view a list of submitted requests, see whether a request has run, change a request's processing options, diagnose errors, or find the position of your request in available concurrent manager queues.
Since all reports, programs, and request sets are run as concurrent requests in Oracle Applications, you can use one of the following windows to view the status and output of your requests:
Concurrent Requests View progress and output of all of your concurrent requests, and change a request's processing options.
Requests View the progress and output of your concurrent requests.
Completed Requests View the output of your completed requests.
All reports and programs in Oracle Applications run as concurrent processes whether you submit them using the Submit Requests window, or using a product-specific submission window. Throughout this guide we refer to submitted reports and programs as concurrent requests, or simply as requests. Each concurrent request runs according to a set of concurrent processing options.
Default Values of Concurrent Processing Options
The default values of the concurrent processing options are determined by the values of the following user profile options:
· Concurrent:Hold Requests Specifies whether to hold a request temporarily
· Concurrent:Report Access Level Specifies who has access to report and log files
· Concurrent:Report Copies Specifies the number of copies of a report to print
· Concurrent:Request Priority Specifies the priority of a concurrent request
· Concurrent:Request Start Time Specifies the start date and time for a concurrent request
· Concurrent:Save Output Specifies whether to save report output to a file
· Concurrent:Sequential Requests Specifies whether to run your requests sequentially
· Printer Specifies the printer to print your report output
If you want to change the value of a default, you must change the value of the corresponding user profile option using the Personal Profile Values window in your application. Some profile options, such as Concurrent:Request Priority, can only be changed by your system administrator. See: Setting Your Personal User Profile.
If you submit your report or program using the Submit Requests window, you can also modify most of these concurrent processing options for the request at the time you submit your request. If you use a product-specific window that automatically submits a concurrent request when you save your work or choose a button, Oracle Applications uses the values defined by your user profile options as the concurrent processing options for your request.
Note: You can modify many of your request's concurrent processing options up until it starts running, even if you cannot modify the options at the time you submit the request. The Concurrent Requests window lets you monitor and change the options for your requests.
A concurrent request proceeds through three, possibly four, life cycle stages or phases:
Pending Request is waiting to be run
Running Request is running
Completed Request has finished
Inactive Request cannot be run
Within each phase, a request's condition or status may change. Below appears a listing of each phase and the various states that a concurrent request can go through.
Log files contain information about a concurrent program's execution, or a concurrent manager's activities. Log files are helpful when reviewing a problem request.
Log files are generated for all Completed concurrent requests.
There are three types of log files:
1. Request log files that document the execution of a concurrent program running as the result of a concurrent request. Every concurrent request generates a log file.
2. Manager Log files that document the performance of a concurrent manager that is running a request. The Manager Log file lists requests processed by a concurrent manager.
3. The Internal Concurrent Manager Log file that documents the performance of the Internal Concurrent Manager. It displays parameter values that are loaded when the Internal Concurrent Manager is started.
If a concurrent process ends in an error, you should review the log files to help diagnose the problem. You may also want to review the log files if a program's performance is questionable. For example, if a report runs very slowly or if it prints out data that you didn't expect.
The Internal Concurrent Manager Log file also records the time that each concurrent manager is started, and when each process monitor session or pmon cycle is initiated. During each pmon cycle, the Internal Concurrent Manager verifies the correct operation of each defined concurrent manager.
System Administrator Log File Privileges
Both you and your end users can review request log files and manager log files online. Only the System Administrator can display the Internal Concurrent Manager log file.
As System Administrator, you can use the Concurrent Requests and Administer Concurrent Program windows to view request and manager log files.
Operating System Access to Log Files
Log files are stored as standard operating system files in directories defined during the installation of Oracle Applications.
For example, Oracle General Ledger files are located using a path variable called $GL_TOP/$APPLLOG, or $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG, if the APPLCSF variable is set.
The complete path name to access an Oracle Applications log file depends on the operating system you are using. However, there are a number of file name conventions that are standard across all platforms.
For example:
VMS L64225.REQ
Unix l64225.req
Operating System Access to Concurrent Manager Log Files
Concurrent manager log files are located in the log directory under FND_TOP, the variable that contains the path name to Application Object Library Files, or under $APPLTOP/$APPLLOG. The concurrent manager log file naming convention in Unix is wn.mgr, where n is a number with up to 3 digits.
For most platforms, n is the Concurrent Process ID number assigned to the concurrent manager by the Internal Concurrent Manager, and is found in the Internal Concurrent Manager log file. The log file name for the Internal Concurrent Manager is specified when you use the STARTMGR command from the operating system to start the concurrent managers.
Log files contain information about a concurrent program's execution, or a concurrent manager's activities. Log files are helpful when reviewing a problem request. Log files are generated for all Completed concurrent requests.
User Profile Options
Changeable options that affect the way your applications run.
User Profile Levels
User profile options exist at four different levels: Site, Application, Responsibility, and User levels. Oracle Applications treats user profile levels as a hierarchy, where User is the highest level of the hierarchy, followed by Responsibility, Application, and at the lowest level, Site. Higher-level option values override lower-level option values.
Site Level
Site is the lowest profile level. Site-level option values affect the way all applications run at a given installation site.
Application Level
Application is the profile level immediately above Site. Application-level option values affect the way a given application runs.
Responsibility Level
Responsibility is the profile level immediately above Application. Responsibility-level option values affect the way applications run for all users of a given responsibility.
User Level
User is the highest profile level and is immediately above Responsibility. User-level option values affect the way applications run for a given application user.
Use the Concurrent Requests windows to view a list of submitted requests, see whether a request has run, change a request's processing options, diagnose errors, or find the position of your request in available concurrent manager queues.
Since all reports, programs, and request sets are run as concurrent requests in Oracle Applications, you can use one of the following windows to view the status and output of your requests:
Concurrent Requests View progress and output of all of your concurrent requests, and change a request's processing options.
Requests View the progress and output of your concurrent requests.
Completed Requests View the output of your completed requests.
All reports and programs in Oracle Applications run as concurrent processes whether you submit them using the Submit Requests window, or using a product-specific submission window. Throughout this guide we refer to submitted reports and programs as concurrent requests, or simply as requests. Each concurrent request runs according to a set of concurrent processing options.
Default Values of Concurrent Processing Options
The default values of the concurrent processing options are determined by the values of the following user profile options:
· Concurrent:Hold Requests Specifies whether to hold a request temporarily
· Concurrent:Report Access Level Specifies who has access to report and log files
· Concurrent:Report Copies Specifies the number of copies of a report to print
· Concurrent:Request Priority Specifies the priority of a concurrent request
· Concurrent:Request Start Time Specifies the start date and time for a concurrent request
· Concurrent:Save Output Specifies whether to save report output to a file
· Concurrent:Sequential Requests Specifies whether to run your requests sequentially
· Printer Specifies the printer to print your report output
If you want to change the value of a default, you must change the value of the corresponding user profile option using the Personal Profile Values window in your application. Some profile options, such as Concurrent:Request Priority, can only be changed by your system administrator. See: Setting Your Personal User Profile.
If you submit your report or program using the Submit Requests window, you can also modify most of these concurrent processing options for the request at the time you submit your request. If you use a product-specific window that automatically submits a concurrent request when you save your work or choose a button, Oracle Applications uses the values defined by your user profile options as the concurrent processing options for your request.
Note: You can modify many of your request's concurrent processing options up until it starts running, even if you cannot modify the options at the time you submit the request. The Concurrent Requests window lets you monitor and change the options for your requests.
A concurrent request proceeds through three, possibly four, life cycle stages or phases:
Pending Request is waiting to be run
Running Request is running
Completed Request has finished
Inactive Request cannot be run
Within each phase, a request's condition or status may change. Below appears a listing of each phase and the various states that a concurrent request can go through.
Log files contain information about a concurrent program's execution, or a concurrent manager's activities. Log files are helpful when reviewing a problem request.
Log files are generated for all Completed concurrent requests.
There are three types of log files:
1. Request log files that document the execution of a concurrent program running as the result of a concurrent request. Every concurrent request generates a log file.
2. Manager Log files that document the performance of a concurrent manager that is running a request. The Manager Log file lists requests processed by a concurrent manager.
3. The Internal Concurrent Manager Log file that documents the performance of the Internal Concurrent Manager. It displays parameter values that are loaded when the Internal Concurrent Manager is started.
If a concurrent process ends in an error, you should review the log files to help diagnose the problem. You may also want to review the log files if a program's performance is questionable. For example, if a report runs very slowly or if it prints out data that you didn't expect.
The Internal Concurrent Manager Log file also records the time that each concurrent manager is started, and when each process monitor session or pmon cycle is initiated. During each pmon cycle, the Internal Concurrent Manager verifies the correct operation of each defined concurrent manager.
System Administrator Log File Privileges
Both you and your end users can review request log files and manager log files online. Only the System Administrator can display the Internal Concurrent Manager log file.
As System Administrator, you can use the Concurrent Requests and Administer Concurrent Program windows to view request and manager log files.
Operating System Access to Log Files
Log files are stored as standard operating system files in directories defined during the installation of Oracle Applications.
For example, Oracle General Ledger files are located using a path variable called $GL_TOP/$APPLLOG, or $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG, if the APPLCSF variable is set.
The complete path name to access an Oracle Applications log file depends on the operating system you are using. However, there are a number of file name conventions that are standard across all platforms.
For example:
VMS L64225.REQ
Unix l64225.req
Operating System Access to Concurrent Manager Log Files
Concurrent manager log files are located in the log directory under FND_TOP, the variable that contains the path name to Application Object Library Files, or under $APPLTOP/$APPLLOG. The concurrent manager log file naming convention in Unix is wn.mgr, where n is a number with up to 3 digits.
For most platforms, n is the Concurrent Process ID number assigned to the concurrent manager by the Internal Concurrent Manager, and is found in the Internal Concurrent Manager log file. The log file name for the Internal Concurrent Manager is specified when you use the STARTMGR command from the operating system to start the concurrent managers.
Log files contain information about a concurrent program's execution, or a concurrent manager's activities. Log files are helpful when reviewing a problem request. Log files are generated for all Completed concurrent requests.
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