Aug 1, 2011

Customizing the presentation of Data

Lesson Overview
You can use several features of Oracle Applications to enhance your proficiency in the system. Use a Navigator top ten list to put your commonly used forms on your Navigator. By using special forms, you can customize the presentation of data or fields. Additionally, you can create a folder definition in which you can save query criteria. This lesson explains how to use these features to make your access to the system easier.
Using the Top Ten List
If there are forms that you use frequently, you can add them to a navigation top ten list located on the right side of the Navigator window. The top ten list displays your forms numerically so you can choose them instantly without having to search for them in the navigation list. You can add a maximum of ten forms to the top ten list and you can create a different top ten list for each responsibility for which you have access. A top ten list is unique for the responsibility and user sign-on combination that you use.
How to Create a Navigation Top Ten List
1. Select a frequently used form from the navigation list by highlighting it in the Navigator window.
2. Click the right pointing arrow to add that form to the top ten list.
3. Click the left facing arrow to remove a form from your top ten list.
4. To open a form in your top ten list, type the number that precedes the form you want to open. You can also click on it and press Open, or double-click on it.
Note: Sometimes the form that you add changes names when it appears in the top ten listing. An example is that Suppliers becomes Vendors, or Orders, Returns becomes Order Workbench. Also note that the tenth entry is numbered 0 (zero), so it can be invoked by pressing a single keystroke also.

Top Ten Practice Solution
(M) File > Switch Responsibilities, choose Payables, Vision Operations from the list and click OK.
Expand the Navigator to show Other > Run > Requests and select it.
Click the right arrow to move it to the Top Ten List.

Using the Save to Navigator Option
Some Oracle Applications enable you to save a document to the Navigator for easy access when you first log into the system. The File menu will illuminate the Place on Navigator option when it is available within your application. One example is the Requests window of the SRS form.
The Documents tab on the Navigator window will display icons or list those documents that you have saved. This shortcut eliminates having to query the database to find your specific document. Instead, you can select it from the Navigator window and go directly to the window containing your document.
How to Access a Document from the Navigator Window
1. Select the Documents tab displayed at the Navigator window.
2. Select the document from the list of documents or document icons displayed to go directly to the applications form window for that document.
You can change the label of the document to whatever you like by pressing the Rename button.
You can delete the document from your Navigator by pressing Delete. Note that this will not delete the actual document, only your shortcut to it.
Documents Practice Solutions
(M) File > Switch Responsibilities, select General Ledger, Vision Operations from the list, click OK.
(N) Journals > Enter, click the New Journal button.
Enter your name in the Journal field and save your work.
Place it on the Navigator by choosing (M) File > Place on Navigator.
Go to the Navigator and click on the Documents tab to see the document you added, click on it. To open the journal double-click on it.

Using Folders
A folder is a special block in which the field and record layout can be customized. You can identify a folder from a regular block by noting that an Open Folder button appears in the upper-left corner of a folder block, or an enabled Folder Tools button appears on the toolbar when your cursor is in a folder block.
Although you have access to all of the records of a specific entity in a folder, you can customize a folder to retrieve only a subset of records and display those records in a specific layout. You can save your customizations to a folder definition, which defines the layout of your fields and the query criteria used to retrieve your subset of records.
Folders are language-specific. If you are running the application in German and save a folder, then if you later sign on in French, the German folder will not be accessible to you. This is because the prompts and search criteria you enter for a folder are language-sensitive.
Defining a Folder
You can create and save new folder definitions or open and delete existing folder definitions. When you open a new folder definition, the layout for the new folder definition replaces the layout for the current folder definition.
How to Create a New Folder Definition
1. (M) Folder > New.
2. Enter a new and unique folder name.
3. Select the Autoquery frequency in which you want the folder to automatically query for a subset of records each time you open the folder definition.
4. Select Open as Default if you want this specific folder definition to open as your default each time you navigate to this form for the first time.
5. Select Public if you want other Oracle Applications users to have access to this folder definition.
Note: Users can never see records that violate basic security rules, regardless of any search criteria you specify in a folder.
6. Click OK when you are finished.
If you don’t use folders, here is an example of how you would use them. If a developer provides a Folder block that shows Requisitions, then a user could create a Folder called Unapproved Requisitions that only shows those requisitions with status Unapproved, and displays the Creation Date, Preparer, and Next Approver fields. One or more Folder definitions can be saved per entity, such that screens can be designed appropriately for different tasks. Each Folder is, of course, restricted to data that the user is allowed to view based on the security rules of the product.

Defining Query Criteria for a Folder
One advantage of a folder is that you can customize it to display only the records you want to see. You can easily define and alter the query criteria for any folder and save that criteria in a folder definition.
How to Define Query Criteria for a Folder
1. Run the query that you want, either by using Query Find or Query-by-Example. At least one record must be retrieved for the folder to memorize the query.
2. (M) Folder > Save As, if you want to save this query criteria in a new folder definition.
3. Enter a name for the folder definition.
4. Check Always from the Autoquery option group if you want this query to be performed every time you open this folder definition.
5. Click OK when you are finished.
When you save a folder definition, the query criteria is “locked in” to the folder definition. When you perform another query on that same folder definition, you actually query on the subset of records. If you want to perform a new Query-by-Example on the complete set of records, reset the query for the folder definition.

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