Register an application form with Oracle Applications. You must register a form before you can call it from a menu or a responsibility.
· Register your application with Oracle Application Object Library using the Applications window
Suggestion: Even if you do not use the VT220GL terminal definition, you must have it installed on your system to register your form.
Forms Block
The combination of application name and form name uniquely identifies your form.
If you are registering a new form, enter the filename of your form (without an extension). Your form filename must be all uppercase, and its .fmx file must be located in your application directory structure. Further, your form must not be saved in the database.
This is the application that owns your form. You can define an application by using the Applications form.
Oracle Applications looks for your form in the appropriate language directory of your forms directory, based on the application owning your form.
For example, if you are using American English on a Unix platform, Oracle Applications expects to find your form files in the directory //forms/US.
User Form Name
This is the form name you see when selecting a form using the Functions window.
A function is a part of an application's functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a responsibility.
Function security is the mechanism by which user access to applications functionality is controlled.
Oracle Applications GUI-based architecture aggregates several related business functions into a single form. Because all users should not have access to every business function in a form, Oracle Applications provides the ability to identify pieces of applications logic as functions. When part of an application's functionality is identified as a function, it can be secured (i.e., included or excluded from a responsibility).
Application developers register functions when they develop forms. A System Administrator administers function security by creating responsibilities that include or exclude particular functions.
A function is a part of an application's functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a responsibility.
There are two types of functions: form functions, and non-form functions. For clarity, we refer to a form function as a form, and a non-form function as a subfunction, even though both are just instances of functions in the database.
Form (Form Function)
A form function (form) invokes an Oracle Forms form. Form functions have the unique property that you may navigate to them using the Navigate window.
Subfunction (Non-Form Function)
A non-form function (subfunction) is a securable subset of a form's functionality: in other words, a function executed from within a form.
A developer can write a form to test the availability of a particular subfunction, and then take some action based on whether the subfunction is available in the current responsibility.
Subfunctions are frequently associated with buttons or other graphical elements on forms. For example, when a subfunction is enabled, the corresponding button is enabled.
However, a subfunction may be tested and executed at any time during a form's operation, and it need not have an explicit user interface impact. For example, if a subfunction corresponds to a form procedure not associated with a graphical element, its availability is not obvious to the form's user.
A menu is a hierarchical arrangement of functions and menus of functions. Each responsibility has a menu assigned to it.
Menu Entry
A menu entry is a menu component that identifies a function or a menu of functions. In some cases, both a function and a menu of functions correspond to the same menu entry. For example, both a form and its menu of subfunctions can occupy the same menu entry.
A responsibility defines an application user's current privileges while working with Oracle Applications. When an application user signs on, they select a responsibility that grants certain privileges, specifically:
· The functions that the user may access. Functions are determined by the menu assigned to the responsibility.
· The concurrent programs, such as reports, that the user may run.
· The application database accounts that forms, concurrent programs, and reports connect to.
Identify your application tables and primary key information to Application Object Library. You should specify your primary keys before auditing your application. If you do not specify your primary keys, AuditTrail does not store primary key information. You can also use this window to register minor changes to your tables.
· Use the Applications window to register your application with Oracle Application Object Library
· Create your table in the database
Tables Block
User Table Name
End users see this title when they review audit results. The default for this field is the value in the Table Name field.
Type - Valid types are:
Interim Table is used only temporarily
Seed Data Table stores primarily setup data
Special Flexfield Data Table is used by flexfields
Transaction Data Table stores primarily transaction data.
Initial Extent / Next Extent
Enter the initial and next extent sizes in kilobytes for your table. You must enter values greater than 0.
% Free / % Used
You must enter a value between 1 and 100 per cent. You must enter a Percent Free value such that the sum of the Percent Used field and the Percent Free field is between 1 and 100.
Min Extents/Max Extents
Enter a value of 1 extent or more for the minimum extents value. Enter a maximum extents value that is greater or equal to the minimum extents value. You enter a low value for maximum extents to prevent fragmentation of your database table.
Auto Size
Indicate whether the table should be larger or smaller for different customer. If the Auto Size button is not checked, the table should have the same size for all customers. In general, seed data tables should have AutoSize = No.
Detail Buttons
Choose a button to open a detail window where you supply more information about your table.
Indexes Choose this button to open the Indexes window where you identify an application index, give it a name, describe its purpose, and specify default parameters
Primary Keys Choose this button to open the Primary Keys window where you specify your primary keys.
Foreign Keys Choose this button to open the Foreign Keys window where you define your foreign keys.
Detail Buttons
Choose the detail window which you want to update: Indexes, Primary Keys, or Foreign Keys.
Table Columns Block
Enter the order of the column in the table. For example, the first column in the table can have Sequence=1.
User Column Name
End users see this title when they review audit results. The default for this field is the value in the Column Name field.
Column Type
Valid types are:
· Character
· Date
· Long
· Long Raw
· MLS Lable
· Number
· Raw
· Raw MLS Label
· Row ID
· Varchar
· Varchar2
If the column name contains "ID" or "NUM", the default value for this field is Number. If the column name contains "DATE", the default value for this field is Date. Otherwise, the default value for this field is Varchar2.
You cannot enter this field if your column is Type Date, Long, Long Raw, MLS Label, Raw, Raw MLS Label, or Rowid.
You can enter different values depending on the column type. For type Character, you must enter a value between 1 and 256. For type Number, you must enter a value between 1 and 40. For type Raw, you must enter a value between 1 and 256. You cannot change the value for types Date, Long and Long Raw.
The default for this field is 30 for Types Character, Varchar, and Varchar2; 7 for Type Date; 22 for Type Number; 240 for Type Raw; and 0 for Types Long, Long Raw, Row ID, MLS Label, and Raw MLS Label. You cannot enter 0 for any other type.
This field corresponds exactly to the LENGTH column in the ORACLE data dictionary.
Enter the length of numbers past the decimal point at which you want to calculate the number for this field. This field is enabled only if your column is type Number. You must enter a value between 1 and 40. For all other column types, the value is NULL.
Enter the scale of the column. You can only enter this field only if your column is type Number. You must enter a value between -40 and 40. For all other column types, the value is NULL.
Default Value
Enter the value which the ODF Comparison Utility should use before altering the column to NOT NULL. The ODF Comparison Utility makes a statement like:
update t set c = ;
The default is 0 is Type is Number, 'N' if Type is Character, and sysdate if Type is Date.
This value is usually a constant; you can also use an expression. When you enter the value in the form, or when you generate the ODF file, the expression is not evaluated. The ODF Comparison Utility will just use whatever value you supply here, and evaluate it at the customer site.
So for dates, if you do not use sysdate, you should include todate : todate('01-03-1992','MM-DD-YYYY') not 01-03-1992
And for strings, you have to include quotes: 'ABC' not ABC
Indicate whether the values in this database column can be translated. You can enter this field only if this column is defined as type Character, Varchar, or Varchar2. You should not identify a column as translatable if it is either a primary key or a DataMerge key.
Indexes Window
Enter the name of the database index and indicate whether the index is unique.
Initial Extent / Next Extent
Enter the initial and next extent sizes in kilobytes for your table. You must enter values greater than 0.
% Free
Enter the percent free value for your table. You must enter a value between 1 and 100 per cent.
Initial Transactions
Enter the initial number of transaction entries that are allocated within each block. You must enter a value between 1 and 255.
Max Transactions
Enter the maximum number of transactions that may update a data block concurrently. You must enter a value between 1 and 255.
Indicate whether the index should be larger or smaller for different customers. In general, seed data tables should have AutoSize unchecked.
Index Columns - Primary Keys Window
Type - Valid types are Developer and Alternate. You can define only one Developer primary key per table.
Primary Key Columns - Sequence
You can pick any column in your table that has type Number, Character or Date. You cannot choose a column of any other type, such as Long or Long Raw.
Foreign Keys Window
Define the foreign keys for your table. You can define conditional foreign keys by specifying a WHERE clause condition for the foreign key reference.
Cascade Behavior
This field supports functionality to be implemented in a future release.
Choose the type of cascade delete behavior for this foreign key. You use this field to specify what to do to a foreign key table when you delete rows from the primary key table. Valid types are Delete, Update, Check Parent and None.
Delete means that you delete rows in the foreign key table when you delete rows in the primary key table.
Update means that you update rows in the foreign key table using Cascade Values in the next zone whenever you delete rows in the primary key table.
Check Parent means that you do not delete rows in the primary key table if there are rows in the foreign key table that still reference the rows in the primary key table.
None means that you can delete rows in the primary key table without consideration for rows in the foreign key table.
Foreign Key Relation
Enter the type of foreign key relationship between the foreign key table and the primary key table. Valid types are Tight and Loose. DataMerge assumes that if a table has multiple "parent" tables, that only one of them is Tight and the others are Loose. The default value for this field is Tight.
If you are entering a conditional foreign key, enter the WHERE clause for the condition. You can use the "&table" token in your WHERE clause to identify the current table. Applications DBA automatically replaces the "&table" token in SQL statements with the actual name of your table when it generates SQL statements that use conditional foreign keys.
Primary Key - Name - Foreign Key Columns - Cascade Value
This field supports functionality to be implemented in a future release. You can only enter a value in this field if your foreign key's behavior is Update.
Identify an application sequence to Oracle Applications. You can also use this window to register changes to your sequences.
Tables - Prerequisites
· Register your application
· Create or alter your sequence in the database
Sequences Block - Start With
Enter the first number that this sequence should generate. The value in this field must always be between the Minimum Value and Maximum Value inclusive.
Enter the interval between sequence numbers. The increment can be positive or negative. If you enter a negative value, the sequence descends. You cannot enter a value of zero.
Enter the minimum value this sequence can generate. This value is the lower bound for the sequence. You must enter a Minimum Value that is less than the Maximum Value.
Enter the maximum value the sequence can generate. This value is the upper bound for the sequence. You must enter a Maximum Value that is greater than the Minimum Value. The default value is 2,147,483,647.
Cache Size
Enter the number of sequence numbers to cache in memory, resulting in faster generation of sequence numbers. You must enter a value greater than or equal to 0. The default value is 5.
Check if you want the sequence to generate additional numbers when the end of the sequence is reached. Otherwise, leave the check box off.
Guarantee Order
Check if you want the sequence to generate numbers in order of request. Otherwise leave the check box off.
Identify an application view with Oracle Applications. You can also use this window to register changes to your view.
Tables - Prerequisites
· Define your application with Oracle Applications.
· Create or alter your view in the database.
Views Block
Enter your view's name and the application to which it belongs.
Columns Block
Specify the columns in your application view.
Register an application form with Oracle Applications. You must register a form before you can call it from a menu or a responsibility.
· Register your application with Oracle Application Object Library using the Applications window
Suggestion: Even if you do not use the VT220GL terminal definition, you must have it installed on your system to register your form.
Forms Block
The combination of application name and form name uniquely identifies your form.
If you are registering a new form, enter the filename of your form (without an extension). Your form filename must be all uppercase, and its .fmx file must be located in your application directory structure. Further, your form must not be saved in the database.
This is the application that owns your form. You can define an application by using the Applications form.
Oracle Applications looks for your form in the appropriate language directory of your forms directory, based on the application owning your form.
For example, if you are using American English on a Unix platform, Oracle Applications expects to find your form files in the directory //forms/US.
User Form Name
This is the form name you see when selecting a form using the Functions window.
A function is a part of an application's functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a responsibility.
Function security is the mechanism by which user access to applications functionality is controlled.
Oracle Applications GUI-based architecture aggregates several related business functions into a single form. Because all users should not have access to every business function in a form, Oracle Applications provides the ability to identify pieces of applications logic as functions. When part of an application's functionality is identified as a function, it can be secured (i.e., included or excluded from a responsibility).
Application developers register functions when they develop forms. A System Administrator administers function security by creating responsibilities that include or exclude particular functions.
A function is a part of an application's functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a responsibility.
There are two types of functions: form functions, and non-form functions. For clarity, we refer to a form function as a form, and a non-form function as a subfunction, even though both are just instances of functions in the database.
Form (Form Function)
A form function (form) invokes an Oracle Forms form. Form functions have the unique property that you may navigate to them using the Navigate window.
Subfunction (Non-Form Function)
A non-form function (subfunction) is a securable subset of a form's functionality: in other words, a function executed from within a form.
A developer can write a form to test the availability of a particular subfunction, and then take some action based on whether the subfunction is available in the current responsibility.
Subfunctions are frequently associated with buttons or other graphical elements on forms. For example, when a subfunction is enabled, the corresponding button is enabled.
However, a subfunction may be tested and executed at any time during a form's operation, and it need not have an explicit user interface impact. For example, if a subfunction corresponds to a form procedure not associated with a graphical element, its availability is not obvious to the form's user.
A menu is a hierarchical arrangement of functions and menus of functions. Each responsibility has a menu assigned to it.
Menu Entry
A menu entry is a menu component that identifies a function or a menu of functions. In some cases, both a function and a menu of functions correspond to the same menu entry. For example, both a form and its menu of subfunctions can occupy the same menu entry.
A responsibility defines an application user's current privileges while working with Oracle Applications. When an application user signs on, they select a responsibility that grants certain privileges, specifically:
· The functions that the user may access. Functions are determined by the menu assigned to the responsibility.
· The concurrent programs, such as reports, that the user may run.
· The application database accounts that forms, concurrent programs, and reports connect to.
Identify your application tables and primary key information to Application Object Library. You should specify your primary keys before auditing your application. If you do not specify your primary keys, AuditTrail does not store primary key information. You can also use this window to register minor changes to your tables.
· Use the Applications window to register your application with Oracle Application Object Library
· Create your table in the database
Tables Block
User Table Name
End users see this title when they review audit results. The default for this field is the value in the Table Name field.
Type - Valid types are:
Interim Table is used only temporarily
Seed Data Table stores primarily setup data
Special Flexfield Data Table is used by flexfields
Transaction Data Table stores primarily transaction data.
Initial Extent / Next Extent
Enter the initial and next extent sizes in kilobytes for your table. You must enter values greater than 0.
% Free / % Used
You must enter a value between 1 and 100 per cent. You must enter a Percent Free value such that the sum of the Percent Used field and the Percent Free field is between 1 and 100.
Min Extents/Max Extents
Enter a value of 1 extent or more for the minimum extents value. Enter a maximum extents value that is greater or equal to the minimum extents value. You enter a low value for maximum extents to prevent fragmentation of your database table.
Auto Size
Indicate whether the table should be larger or smaller for different customer. If the Auto Size button is not checked, the table should have the same size for all customers. In general, seed data tables should have AutoSize = No.
Detail Buttons
Choose a button to open a detail window where you supply more information about your table.
Indexes Choose this button to open the Indexes window where you identify an application index, give it a name, describe its purpose, and specify default parameters
Primary Keys Choose this button to open the Primary Keys window where you specify your primary keys.
Foreign Keys Choose this button to open the Foreign Keys window where you define your foreign keys.
Detail Buttons
Choose the detail window which you want to update: Indexes, Primary Keys, or Foreign Keys.
Table Columns Block
Enter the order of the column in the table. For example, the first column in the table can have Sequence=1.
User Column Name
End users see this title when they review audit results. The default for this field is the value in the Column Name field.
Column Type
Valid types are:
· Character
· Date
· Long
· Long Raw
· MLS Lable
· Number
· Raw
· Raw MLS Label
· Row ID
· Varchar
· Varchar2
If the column name contains "ID" or "NUM", the default value for this field is Number. If the column name contains "DATE", the default value for this field is Date. Otherwise, the default value for this field is Varchar2.
You cannot enter this field if your column is Type Date, Long, Long Raw, MLS Label, Raw, Raw MLS Label, or Rowid.
You can enter different values depending on the column type. For type Character, you must enter a value between 1 and 256. For type Number, you must enter a value between 1 and 40. For type Raw, you must enter a value between 1 and 256. You cannot change the value for types Date, Long and Long Raw.
The default for this field is 30 for Types Character, Varchar, and Varchar2; 7 for Type Date; 22 for Type Number; 240 for Type Raw; and 0 for Types Long, Long Raw, Row ID, MLS Label, and Raw MLS Label. You cannot enter 0 for any other type.
This field corresponds exactly to the LENGTH column in the ORACLE data dictionary.
Enter the length of numbers past the decimal point at which you want to calculate the number for this field. This field is enabled only if your column is type Number. You must enter a value between 1 and 40. For all other column types, the value is NULL.
Enter the scale of the column. You can only enter this field only if your column is type Number. You must enter a value between -40 and 40. For all other column types, the value is NULL.
Default Value
Enter the value which the ODF Comparison Utility should use before altering the column to NOT NULL. The ODF Comparison Utility makes a statement like:
update t set c = ;
The default is 0 is Type is Number, 'N' if Type is Character, and sysdate if Type is Date.
This value is usually a constant; you can also use an expression. When you enter the value in the form, or when you generate the ODF file, the expression is not evaluated. The ODF Comparison Utility will just use whatever value you supply here, and evaluate it at the customer site.
So for dates, if you do not use sysdate, you should include todate : todate('01-03-1992','MM-DD-YYYY') not 01-03-1992
And for strings, you have to include quotes: 'ABC' not ABC
Indicate whether the values in this database column can be translated. You can enter this field only if this column is defined as type Character, Varchar, or Varchar2. You should not identify a column as translatable if it is either a primary key or a DataMerge key.
Indexes Window
Enter the name of the database index and indicate whether the index is unique.
Initial Extent / Next Extent
Enter the initial and next extent sizes in kilobytes for your table. You must enter values greater than 0.
% Free
Enter the percent free value for your table. You must enter a value between 1 and 100 per cent.
Initial Transactions
Enter the initial number of transaction entries that are allocated within each block. You must enter a value between 1 and 255.
Max Transactions
Enter the maximum number of transactions that may update a data block concurrently. You must enter a value between 1 and 255.
Indicate whether the index should be larger or smaller for different customers. In general, seed data tables should have AutoSize unchecked.
Index Columns - Primary Keys Window
Type - Valid types are Developer and Alternate. You can define only one Developer primary key per table.
Primary Key Columns - Sequence
You can pick any column in your table that has type Number, Character or Date. You cannot choose a column of any other type, such as Long or Long Raw.
Foreign Keys Window
Define the foreign keys for your table. You can define conditional foreign keys by specifying a WHERE clause condition for the foreign key reference.
Cascade Behavior
This field supports functionality to be implemented in a future release.
Choose the type of cascade delete behavior for this foreign key. You use this field to specify what to do to a foreign key table when you delete rows from the primary key table. Valid types are Delete, Update, Check Parent and None.
Delete means that you delete rows in the foreign key table when you delete rows in the primary key table.
Update means that you update rows in the foreign key table using Cascade Values in the next zone whenever you delete rows in the primary key table.
Check Parent means that you do not delete rows in the primary key table if there are rows in the foreign key table that still reference the rows in the primary key table.
None means that you can delete rows in the primary key table without consideration for rows in the foreign key table.
Foreign Key Relation
Enter the type of foreign key relationship between the foreign key table and the primary key table. Valid types are Tight and Loose. DataMerge assumes that if a table has multiple "parent" tables, that only one of them is Tight and the others are Loose. The default value for this field is Tight.
If you are entering a conditional foreign key, enter the WHERE clause for the condition. You can use the "&table" token in your WHERE clause to identify the current table. Applications DBA automatically replaces the "&table" token in SQL statements with the actual name of your table when it generates SQL statements that use conditional foreign keys.
Primary Key - Name - Foreign Key Columns - Cascade Value
This field supports functionality to be implemented in a future release. You can only enter a value in this field if your foreign key's behavior is Update.
Identify an application sequence to Oracle Applications. You can also use this window to register changes to your sequences.
Tables - Prerequisites
· Register your application
· Create or alter your sequence in the database
Sequences Block - Start With
Enter the first number that this sequence should generate. The value in this field must always be between the Minimum Value and Maximum Value inclusive.
Enter the interval between sequence numbers. The increment can be positive or negative. If you enter a negative value, the sequence descends. You cannot enter a value of zero.
Enter the minimum value this sequence can generate. This value is the lower bound for the sequence. You must enter a Minimum Value that is less than the Maximum Value.
Enter the maximum value the sequence can generate. This value is the upper bound for the sequence. You must enter a Maximum Value that is greater than the Minimum Value. The default value is 2,147,483,647.
Cache Size
Enter the number of sequence numbers to cache in memory, resulting in faster generation of sequence numbers. You must enter a value greater than or equal to 0. The default value is 5.
Check if you want the sequence to generate additional numbers when the end of the sequence is reached. Otherwise, leave the check box off.
Guarantee Order
Check if you want the sequence to generate numbers in order of request. Otherwise leave the check box off.
Identify an application view with Oracle Applications. You can also use this window to register changes to your view.
Tables - Prerequisites
· Define your application with Oracle Applications.
· Create or alter your view in the database.
Views Block
Enter your view's name and the application to which it belongs.
Columns Block
Specify the columns in your application view.
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