Aug 1, 2011

Execution Method

         Execution Method - Here you need to choose the appropriate execution method for your executable. Following are the possible execution methods which are commonly used in oracle applications.
         Oracle Reports – used for the RDF reports
         Host – used for shell scripts, basically the language of the host operating system
         PL/SQL Stored procedure – used to run the stored procedure through oracle applications
         SQL*Loader – used to run the sql loader programs
         SQL*Plus - used to run the anonymous PL/SQL blocks. It will get executed in the same fashion as you are running on SQL Plus.
         Java Stored Procedure – The execution file is a Java stored procedure.
         Java Concurrent Program – Used for program written in Java.
         Spawned – used for c or pro*c Program. Mainly used by standard oracle interfaces.
         Perl Concurrent Program – used for programs written in CGI Perl.
         Request Set Stage Function – PL/SQL stored function that can be used to calculate the completion statuses of request set stages.
         Immediate – execution file is a program written to run as subroutine of the concurrent manager. Oracle doesn’t recommend use of this executable type.
         Multi-Language function – execution file is an MLS function that supports running concurrent program in multiple languages.
         PL/SQL Stored Procedure, Oracle Reports, Host, SQL*loader, SQL*Plus are the most commonly used executable types.
         Executable File name – This should contain the name of the executable file. In case of PL/SQL Stored procedure or Java Stored Procedure it should be the fully defined name of the stored procedure.
         Subroutine Name – This field is only used when executable type is spawned or immediate.
         Execution File Path –
         The Stage Function Parameters button opens a window that allows you to enter parameters for the Request Set Stage Function. This button is only enabled when you select Request Set Stage Function as your Execution Method.

Concurrent Program
         Once you have defined the executable, the second step is to define the concurrent program. To define a concurrent program, you need to open the form using the navigation path below.
         Navigation –
        Application Developer

         Field Description
         Program – Give user friendly name for your concurrent program. This name will be displayed in Requests submission screen while submitting the requests.
         Short Name – Give short name for concurrent program. This is used within the database tables in oracle applications. It’s a common practice to have the Short name same for the executable and the concurrent program.
         Application – Give the application to which the concurrent program belongs to.
            E.g you want some program to run from oracle payables then account payables should be entered as application name.

         Description - Give the brief description of the concurrent program.
         Executable - Enter the short name of the executable (Defined in Executables Screen) you want to attach to this concurrent program.
         Method - will be defaulted once you enter executable short name
         Options - will be defaulted once you enter executable short name
         Normally default values are given for the other fields. Following is the significance of these fields.
         Request Type – Concurrent program can be associated to a predefined request type so that only few concurrent managers can run the program.

         Incrementor – To be used by Oracle only.
         MLS Function - This feature allows the program to be submitted once by the user but runs it in the multiple languages.
         Use In SRS – Only when this check box is checked the Concurrent Program would be available in Standard Request Submission (SRS) through the request group.
         Allow Disable Value – This will allow the disabled values in the value sets to be used while entering the values of the parameters in the Concurrent Program.
         Run Alone – Indicates that program is incompatible with all other concurrent programs and should be run alone.
         Enable Trace – This will enable the SQL trace for the concurrent program and will generate the trace file when concurrent program is run. Only used in development environments to check the performance of the concurrent program.
         Restart on system Failure – This option is used to indicate that concurrent program should automatically be started when concurrent manager is restored after the system failure.
         NLS Compliant – This box is checked if the program allows for a user to submit request of the program that will reflect a language and territory that are different from the language and territory that the users are operating in.
         Output Format – Format in which output should be printed. Possible format values are
         PS (Post Script)
         PCL(HP’s Printer Control Language)
         SAVE – Check to indicate that output should be automatically saved in an operating system file.

         PRINT – Whether you want the output to be sent to printer for printing.
         Column / Rows – Column and Row length of the concurrent program output. Oracle Applications uses this information to decide the print style.
         Style Required – Print Style
         Printer – A particular printer on which output should be sent.
         Save the data that you have entered using Ctrl+S or File à Save.
         Program – will be defaulted from Concurrent Program
         Application – will be defaulted from Concurrent Program
         Conflicts Domain - Enter the parameter which will hold the value of the conflict domain of the program.
         Security Group - This field is for HRMS security only.
         Seq – Enter sequence number for the parameter
         Parameter – name of the parameter, will be displayed in parameter entry screen
         Description – description about the usage of the parameter
         Enabled – check box to enable or disable the parameter. Disable a parameter when you don’t want to use it.
         Value set – enter the name of the value set which you want to use to validate the value enter in the parameter field.
         Description – will be defaulted from value set definition
         Default Type – choose the default type for the default value of the parameter. Possible default types are
         Constant : The default value can be any literal value.
         Profile : The default value is the current value in the user profile option defined in the Default Value field. Use the profile option name, not the end–user name. You do not need to include $PROFILE$.
         SQL Statement : The default value is determined by the SQL statement you defined in the Default Value field.
         Segment : The default value is the value entered in a prior segment of the same parameter window.
            If the program executable file requires an argument, you should require it for your concurrent program.
         Enable Security
            If the value set for this parameter does not allow security rules, then this field is display only. Otherwise you can elect to apply any security rules defined for this value set to affect your parameter list.

         Display size – Enter the field length in characters for this parameter. The user sees and fills in the field in the Parameters window of the Submit Requests window.
         Token - For a parameter in an Oracle Reports program, the keyword or parameter appears here. The value is case insensitive. For other types of programs, you can skip this field.
Incompatible Programs Window

         To navigate to this form, click on the Incompatibilities button on the bottom of the form shown in figure 4. This window is used for defining the incompatibilities of the concurrent program. Identify concurrent programs that should not run with your concurrent program as they might interfere with its execution.
         Program – Defaulted from Concurrent Programs Window
         Application – Defaulted from Concurrent Programs Window
         Application – Application of the concurrent program which is incompatible to the defined concurrent program.
         Name – Name of the concurrent program which is incompatible to the defined concurrent program.
         Name – Name of the concurrent program which is incompatible to the defined concurrent program.
         Scope – Used to identify if concurrent program is incompatible if the program or also with its child requests.
Type - Enter Domain or Global. If you choose Domain, the incompatibility is resolved at a domain-specific level. If you choose Global, then this concurrent program will be considered globally incompatible with your concurrent program, regardless of which domain it is running in.

Session Control
         To navigate to this form, click on the Session Control button on the bottom of the form shown in figure 4. This is a new functionality given in 11.5.10 to control the database session while executing concurrent program using following three parameters.
         Consumer Group – resource consumer group of the concurrent program can be specified. A resource consumer group defines a set of users who have similar resource usage requirements. An overall resource plan specifies how resources are distributed among the different resource consumer groups. Resource consumer groups and resource plans provide a method for specifying how to partition processing resources among different users.

         Rollback Segment – Rollback segment specified here would be used instead of the default rollback segment. If you specify a rollback segment here, your concurrent program must use the APIs FND_CONCURRENT.AF_COMMIT and FND_CONCURRENT.AF_ROLLBACK to use the specified rollback segment.
         Optimizer mode - Optionally specify an optimizer mode. You can choose ALL_ROWS, FIRST_ROWS, Rules, or Choose. You would specify an optimizer mode only for a custom program that may not perform well with the default cost-based optimizer (CBO) and needs tuning. You can use a different optimizer mode until your program is tuned for CBO.
Copy to Window
         Program – Enter the program name to be copied
         Short Name – Short Name of the program to be copied
         Application – Application name of the concurrent program to be copied
         Include Incompatible programs - Check this box if you want incompatibilities to be copied
         Include Parameters – Check this box if you want parameters to be copied.

1 comment:

  1. select distinct lookup_code,meaning from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type='CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE'
